hey there diogogaspar.
i have recently swapped the engine in my panda 4x4 (project fallout panda) from a carburettor 999cc to multi point injection 1242 8v from a punto 75.
the engine swap its self is very strait forward. you can leave all of the engine manifolds and alternator in place while removing and swapping the engine.
first off remove all wires, pipes and cables leading to the rest of the car from the engine.
you can if you wish, remove the radiator. i managed to do the engine swap very carefully with the radiator left in situ. i recommend it is removed before the engine swap.
on the back of the 1.2 engine there will be an extra bracket to bolt the gearbox to. this is not needed so it can be removed. and in its place remove the exhaust bracket from off the 999cc engine and bolt it onto the 1.2 engine. (i am not sure if 999cc engines with CAT converters have this bracket though)
you will have to have the car jacked up on axle stands on the front. given your car is left hand drive, you need to take off the drivers side wheel, undo the strut from the wheel hub, undo the rear wishbone mount, undo the drive axle nut (best do this while the car is still on the ground, not jacked up), and remove the drive axle from the wheel bearing/hub.
you have to do this to give yourself enough room to move the gearbox over when you remove the engine.
you can leave the drive axles in the gearbox while you do the engine change. just make sure you don't stretch the CV boots too much.
removing the engine from the gearbox is somewhat easy. you have 5 13mm bolts. 2 are on the bottom and hold the gear linkage to the gearbox (if your car has the rod type gear linkages) and 3 that hold the starter motor to the engine that need to be removed, then 2 small 10mm bolts on the front and near the back next to the CV boot flange that need to be removed. these hold the thin metal flywheel cover on.
you then have 4x 19mm bolts that hold the engine to the gearbox.
once all the bolts are removed you need to support the engine and gearbox well.
undo the engine mount, the gearbox mount (from the gearbox and the car body), and the rear gearbox mount.
by now the gearbox should already be parting from the engine. i find a nice crow bar and rocking the gearbox around soon pulls it free from the engine.
the punto 1.2 flywheel and clutch fits the panda gearbox perfectly. so not really any need to change them for different parts. dont forget to change the thrust bearing if you change the clutch for a new one.
using a scaffolding pole and 2 strong people you can lift the 999cc engine free from the car. (not boasting here but i was able to do this by myself. the 999cc engine is slightly lighter than the 1.2 engine)
i lifted the engine using very heavy duty ratchet straps looped around both of the manifolds distributing the engines weight evenly. seat belts work very well for this too. (one seat belt has enough strength to lift the whole car with ease)
may as well do some cleaning while the engine is removed. the bell housing of the gearbox can be very dirty. a pressure washer cleans it up very nice but ware eye protection while doing it.
when you come to fit the 1.2 engine lift it how you did the 999cc engine. then just redo all the bolts you put in.
getting the gearbox to mate up to the engine can be a pain i recommend leaving the gearbox in 5th gear and keep turning one of the drive axles to line the splines of the gearbox input shaft up with the clutch plate bolted to the engine.
when it comes time to do the wiring.. i think you will find this very helpful:
these are where all the colour wires go on the engine wiring loom:
the big thick RED wire, is a constant live from the battery.
ORANGE wire, its an ignition live.
BROWN with WHITE stripe is the fuel pump
BLUE wire, it is for the REV counter
LIGHT GREY with GREEN stripe goes to the CODE box (ECU pin 7)(wire colours match on ECU and CODE box connector!)
BLUE with GREEN stripe goes to the injector/engine management light (ECU pin 6)
LIGHT GREY with YELLOW stripe goes to the oil light
LIGHT GREY with BLACK stripe goes to the battery/Alternator light
LIGHT GREY only wire goes to the temperature gauge
you will need to use the fuel pump from the dona car as the panda fuel pump with not make enough pressure to feed the injector(s)
the immobiliser can be a pain. but if you get all the right bits and connect the wires up correct you should be fine.
you will need the ECU, CODE box, Aerial and key from the dona car. these must be all a matching set from one car.
the wiring on the CODE box is simple.
RED is constant battery live
Orange is ignition live
Black wire is a ground/earth
LIGHT GREY with GREEN stripe goes to the ECU (pin 7)
the remaining wire is the negative trigger to the "CODE" dashboard indicator light.
don't forget to tape the key THROUGH the loop aerial so it works every time!
when all this is connected. connect a battery to the car and see if the engine runs!
i hope this is of help to you
i should put this in the "how too" section!