Technical Alternator Fuse or Relay ????????

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Technical Alternator Fuse or Relay ????????

The positive wire goes direcly from battery to alternator (and starter).
Ground is on frame. Only the exitor is fed via dash bulb.
If the light is on, current is flowing trough it to the alternator. I measured 1.2V at the exitor on A127IR (Marelli alternator), shouldnt matter as its working as ground for the bulb.
When the alternator fires up, the voltage on on exitor rises to battery voltage and the dash bulb has no current flowing trough it (light off).

Not charging as in not enough voltage, or battery light on when engine is running?
I've driven 150km when my slipring exploded on ramp launch.
Just changed battery midway and in the end blinkers slowed almost to halt if I pressed brakes, voltmeter at cig lighter showed just under 7 volts....

Did you measure voltage at the battery when it ran?

Why would it die, might be somewhat related if something is shorting out.