Styling Alloys

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Styling Alloys


New member
Jul 29, 2013
I want some alloys for my bravo thinking 17" or 18" does anyone think a set of deep dish alloys would look good? If not what would you recommend
Yeah theym mega nice do you know how much a set would set me back?
Cheers mate I want a nice smart set I don't want to make the car look Chavy
That's alright then ill have a look in abit when I've got a spare 10 mins
2 Things happen when people say Deep Dish to me, and this is the order.....

1) Mmmmmmm Pizza
2) :doh:

Get the sport alloys, they are very nice, I have other Fiat 17'' Alloys but thats because I think they suit my car better than the 18'' Sport ones
I want them for the looks mate I'm not to bothered about the handling
Ohhhh lmaooo ? I'm still unsure I've seen a nice set of 17" but I'm going to wait abit and have a good look around for some
Probably depends on tyre width and profile but fiat didn't go to the expense of special parts for no reason, however I do feel that the warnings in the handbook could be slightly OTT ?? I would check if there is an easy means to restrict the steering travel slightly to be on the safe side. Be aware that 18inch wheels might cause the ride to be even more jittery as well.
Just one more thought as fiat specifically prohibit fitting 18s to cars not originally specified with them could this not cause an insurance issue in the event of a claim?
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