I noticed the other day when reversing a bit of a judder .. then when setting off a lack of power
You know what it’s like … most of us drive our 500s every day so you become somewhat in tune with your car
Something was off!!
Investigation under the bonnet .. my airbox was up a little at the rear pushed it back and thought huh
Went for a coffee then got the tools out … turned out to be a split seal .. luckily I had a new one on my second airbox (I keep spares don’t ask ) then managed to fine another on eBay so again I have a spare!
It’s such an easy thing to miss … but could be causing issues with your car!
You know what it’s like … most of us drive our 500s every day so you become somewhat in tune with your car
Something was off!!
Investigation under the bonnet .. my airbox was up a little at the rear pushed it back and thought huh
Went for a coffee then got the tools out … turned out to be a split seal .. luckily I had a new one on my second airbox (I keep spares don’t ask ) then managed to fine another on eBay so again I have a spare!
It’s such an easy thing to miss … but could be causing issues with your car!