Technical Airbag warning light & error code problem Punto -00

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Technical Airbag warning light & error code problem Punto -00


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I have a Punto -00 1.2 16v and this model have airbag only on the drivers side.
The airbag warning light starded to shine after I tryed to start with a almost dead battery (15 degrees cold :dead:)
It failed in the vehicle inspection because of the airbag lamp is on. :(
Now I have new battery and cleaned connections also the connectors under the seats is treated.
I bought a fault code reader and got these results with Multiecuscan:



When I "clear errors" nothing happens.
Leave it in a garage is no alternative for me
I hope someone recognize it and can give any advice in this situation.
It would be most welcome!:)
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keep trying to clear it
ive had clearance issues with multiscan before now due to low battery issues
im assuming you havent spiked the airbag ecu to doom though
Same problem here, light comes on for no reason. Single airbag version. Really no theories on this? Bad earthing from factory or..?
The problem is internal either the power supply to the airbag ecu or the earth is at fault. The earth is shared with other parts of the dash loom which means you can get voltage feed back if you have a dodgy earth somewhere. Check all the earths, keep trying to reset make sure you have a good supply to the airbag ecu and if all that fails you might need a new airbag ecu