Hi I've just purchased a Mk2 punto (51 plate). The airbag light is on is there anyway of resetting this without plugging it in?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Hi I've just purchased a Mk2 punto (51 plate). The airbag light is on is there anyway of resetting this without plugging it in?
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure which light it is. I will take a picture of it tommorow. I was hoping I would be able to clear it without plugging it in though
I've had my airbag warning light on since changing out my PAS. My cheap diag tool says there are no errors so I'm stuck, wondering if it is the replacement electronics on the column or the airbag needs replacing. You can be sure it's going to be expensive lol
I followed the guide on this site and allowed for the time the op didn't and light still came on. I looked today and all connections seem correct and in correct places. Any one know if the steering ecu is the airbag control? As that is under warranty for another year or would it be easier to go get a diag at a mechanics?if you used due protocol when shaft changed then light would extinguish on self test
you've obviously broken something
I've had my airbag warning light on since changing out my PAS. My cheap diag tool says there are no errors so I'm stuck, wondering if it is the replacement electronics on the column or the airbag needs replacing. You can be sure it's going to be expensive lol