Ducato airbag fault

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Ducato airbag fault


New member
Mar 5, 2021
3 year old fiat ducato camper van 1st mot due failed airbag light on , not impressed anyone else had problems
I was similarly unimpressed with the very same issue back in 2017 when my motorhome was 4 years old.

In my technically orientated mind, I had imagined that any mechanism related to the operation of the airbag would utilise an electro/mechanical inertia switch of some kind, but no, the mechanism is operated by springs, rubber bands, baling twine and simple contact switches. I exaggerate somewhat but the system is unnecessarily complicated and generally rubbish.

There was no owner/handyman fix for the problem, and the local Fiat dealership, in who's clutches I was at the time (due to the failed MoT) charged me £700 for the fix.

I was more than likely ripped off, so I do not use that dealership any longer.

I am now in the clutches of another garage, following a succession of warning lights and system failures which have been traced back to the ABS pump.

I expect to be ripped off once more.

I can safely say that I have been unimpressed with just about every aspect of the reliability of this vehicle since day one.

I wish I could advise you on this issue, but sadly I can not.

3 year old fiat ducato camper van 1st mot due failed airbag light on , not impressed anyone else had problems

Hi :)

Any more info?

Monty has quoted 'the same fault'

But other than 'Airbag' might have little in common with your issue

The Forum has a register of People with the correct diagnostic software ;)