Technical Air filter cartridge

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Technical Air filter cartridge


New member
Jun 14, 2013
There is no cartridge in my air filter housing. :mad:

I ordered one online, but it is about twice as tall as needed. Are there two styles of air filter? Well, I guess there must be... are there more than two?

Any tips on where to get the short one? (I'm in California)

'69 500L
Mystery solved, I think-- I looked up the engine number, and it appears to be from a 126. Engine # 126A 000

I'm thinking I need to order a 126 air filter...
update #2

Ok, so the filter did fit. I didn't realize how deep the air cleaner housing was until I got the top off. Duh.

But, I now know I've got a (early) 126 in there, so it wasn't all for naught, lol.
Asked and answered your own question - impressive.

This post reminds me of an old drink machine we had at Uni that would dispense refreshment and drink it for you. It'd long since run out of cups and those that didn't know it would put their money in, push the button and watch the machine try to dispense a cup that didn't exist, then the 'soda' and flavouring simultaneously to itself via the drain hole at the bottom of the cup holder. It even made a sort of burping sound as the liquid gurgled down the waste drain. It caused endless vicarious amusement until we found it lying on its side one day sporting a large dent. Then it disappeared to the vending machine graveyard.

Sorry - it's a slow day at work.

Haha-- I think I just needed to think out loud, lol.