Technical Aftermarket stereo

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Technical Aftermarket stereo


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Nov 15, 2013
Hi guys, i have a mk2 punto sporting and i intend to replace radio.
I know i need fascia/punto panel adapter, but what about wiring ? There are two iso (or very similar to it) cabel blocks (plus some meaningless colored blocks for cd changers and stuff). One iso block is for can bus integration and the other one controls speakers.
I already searched other threads and looked here :
But what i dont understand is, how am i supposed to connect the iso from aftermarket stereo to this iso connection. Can i connect it right away ? Do i need reduction ? Thanks.
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i assume you have mk2 punto ie v reg to o3 plate
iso from factory in dash split in half with side cuts
one is for speakers other for power and earth
with test bulb find black wire earth and then with other side of test bulb find the permanent live and the live via ignition key only
make sure yellow on your new radio goes to permanent live
make sure red on your radio goes to switched live
consider cutting all other wires if any fitted and taping them up securly on your loom you got with radio rather than punto wiring

you also need aerial adaptor for your radio £1 ish on ebay

there is a sticky if you look under guides of course
Yeah, thats exactly what i needed. I was unable to find iso lead in any of the local shops (ebay only), so im gonna stick with connecting the wires manually, as s and b suggested. Thanks alot guys.