ADVICE wanted on new respray gone wrong

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ADVICE wanted on new respray gone wrong


New member
Sep 19, 2005
hey guys, well im at an end with the larl car and just wanted some advice on what you would do.

i had my car namly a fiat seicento resprayed and everything was ok.

it was a full shell respray and a new crossmember fitted after a small accident with a slip of the clutch lol

anyway cause of da two tone affect with repairs i had the full car resprayed.

but the day i picked it up a family member backed into it:bang: nothing much just a scrap on the back corner.

so after taking it back to the same garage to get it sorted it comes out with a repair worse then the roads we drive on:eek:

now you would think they would match the brand new day old paint right. but no so after months of taking it back its now came back with a back end a complete mess and they heve obvoisly blew the back pannel in and its a mess.
after talking to the ower he says he cant see anything wrong and refuses to sort it.

the filler is as smooth as a speed bump and the amount of scratchs from badly G3'ing of the pannel have left it looking a dog,(n)

any advice im planning to seek legal advice but ive spent a fortune at this garage and on this car.
i understand if the paint was 5 years old the match would be great and the best i could hope.
but its brand new and to start blowing it in into other parts of the car has just made it worse.

so at the moment im feeling a bit f****D OFF

real shame like as the cars has had a full overhaul and was looking and running mint.

(for obvious reason anyone in my area dont bother having a go and going on about this and that other thanks)
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