Absoloutly sickening - Throw away the key

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Absoloutly sickening - Throw away the key

Aug 15, 2007
Norwich, Norfolk
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We had something similar about 10 years ago. 2 guys kidnapped from a pub and kept in a car. One in the boot, the other on the back seat. One got away while the one in the boot was able to make a 999 call. Unfortunately he wasn't able to tell the Police where he was. The operator had to listen to him begging for help as petrol was poured over the car and set alight.

Not as bad as being in the boot as that was happening, but nonethless, a pretty awful thing to have to hear.

They caught the guys responsible and they got life. The killing was over drugs.
Society has gone down the pan..maybe we should have the big bang leave the world to the animals [if the poor buggers survive it] if humanity could have a chance again they still wouldn't get it right :(
And I've been lead to believe that I was the last person to have spoken to the 3 guilty people before they killed the poor lad, and that he was even possibly in the boot of the car. :(

??? I'm missing something? Do you work in the petrol station they filled the can at?
I wouldn't be throwing away the key tbh. The society we live in now, prison is not the deterent it should be - with a 100% conviction like this capital punishment IMO is justified. The crimes of today do not have the punishment/sentences to deal with them due to the ancient and inadequate 'justice' system we currently have in place.
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??? I'm missing something? Do you work in the petrol station they filled the can at?

Yep. My white Panda in the background of the filling clip on the youtube vid.

At the pump to the right of the one they filled at, there is a shopping basket that I went out and returned to the basket stand when they were queeing to pay for the fuel. Police were wondering if I noticed anything strange about the car etc.

TBH I couldn't remember a thing other than collecting the basket (I remember cursing the person that left it out there). Then spoke to the of them in the main store. I forget exactly what it was myself and a colligue were talking to them about, think it might have been the fact that someone couldn't be bothered to return the basket to the store, but there were no suspisions what so ever.

Often wonder the 'what if'. :(
it sounds a bit odd as she was 46 and dating him (17) and 2 of the other men...

anyway... tis horrible:(
The epitome of the total sh!t people that have been allowed to live/breed in the UK.

They should be hung, drawn and quartered.

To me its called the great unwashed ..the dole culture ..the idle bastwards that take and dont want to give back..the I'm alright brigade ..the kick you in the crutch when you are down crew..society stinks and most of it comes from he states..the act that won BGT are to me a prime example of whats wrong with this country everyone on the take with no return or respect to our fellow person..make a killing and then f*ck off as quick as possible when you've made your pile.. I could go on and on all all day but who at the end listens to an old guys rantings..I'm off now to make a claim for expenses so sod the lot of you..:D
To me its called the great unwashed ..the dole culture ..the idle bastwards that take and dont want to give back..the I'm alright brigade ..the kick you in the crutch when you are down crew..society stinks and most of it comes from he states..the act that won BGT are to me a prime example of whats wrong with this country everyone on the take with no return or respect to our fellow person..make a killing and then f*ck off as quick as possible when you've made your pile.. I could go on and on all all day but who at the end listens to an old guys rantings..I'm off now to make a claim for expenses so sod the lot of you..:D[/QUOTE

Oooh Oooh Oooh PNL methinx that statement will earns u loads of grief from some on ere.... :eek:
OK then let me rephrase it..the impression I got is gang banger innit..maybe I am wrong time will tell and if so I am always willing to apologise and retract the statement..and do the right thing..(y)