Technical ABS light?

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Technical ABS light?

Jan 29, 2006
Hello all,

The B is laid up for the winter in an industrial unit, so it is nice and dry but possibly a little chilly at the moment.

When I visited it to start it up the other day, I noticed that the ABS light didn't illuminate when I turned the ignition on. TBH, I've never really noticed that before - but since I bought the Subaru I get the ABS light in my face every time I turn the key.

In the Scoob, the ABS light comes on for about 2 seconds then extinguishes. Should the Barchetta do the same thing? Or does it just come on if there's a fault?


Hi Plug

Just checked mine. The ABS light comes on for a couple of seconds when I turn on the ignition... You may be lucky and just have to change the bulb..

Good luck & Merry Christmas
Remember to disconnect the battery and leave car to stand for 20 mins before attampting to remove the instrument cluster, otherwise residual charge in the airbag ECU (and possibly the ABS ECU) will register a bulb fault that will probably require a delear visit to get it reset.

For airbag faults, even though you can tell them exactly how you caused it, they will want to do a full diagnostic check of the system probably taking 45 minutes. EXPENSIVE!
Thanks for the info guys.

Being the pessimist I am, I was looking on eBay for possible availability of Barchetta ABS bits and was surprised to see "non-ABS" brake hose kits on offer. I automatically assumed it had ABS, however it is a very early model (1995) and originally delivered in Germany.

Is it possible it doesn't actually have ABS fitted? I've only really used it for scooting around on sunny days, I don't think I've ever had to stamp on the brakes hard enough to activate the ABS..

Cheers and HNY to one and all,

If you look under the bonnet , where the air intake goes into the throttle body, to the right of that is where the ABS unit sits it will have 4 or 5 copper pipes coming out of the top of it this will tell you visually if you have ABS. You can also look at the front hubs they should be toothed aswell for the ABS sensors ,
all the best in 2010 to everyone.
Right chaps + chapesses,

Been and had a look under the bonnet today, it doesn't look as though it does have ABS after all, certainly doesn't look like the pictures I've seen of the Bosch installation.

Could you cast your eyes over these and confirm/deny that it is a non-ABS car?




Besides the lack of the ABS unit on or around the master cylinder one can also look for ABS wheel sensors and pips/teeth on the inside of ALL the wheel hubs.

The only reason for doing this is that there is no guarantee that the ABS unit has to be located or associated directly with the master cylinder. I believe remote ABS units do exist by are mainly used in industrial / commercial unit applications.

As for your 'B' she has no ABS as already pointed out.