Basicly one day my abarth 595 automised manual decided it didnt want to go into gears like it should go so the issue started like this
My car decided to not go into gear like it should it only goes into drive or reverse and it goed by clicking between drive neutral reverse like 60 times every button goes into gear after that it dosent go past third gear so only 1 2 3 and past that goes to neutral
After that got the car to the mechanic had the clutch replaced 1500€ didnt help at all same issue took the car to main dealer they obviusly didnt so anything only told me new robot and if it remambered the error new ecu
Wow 7000€ repair for a 16k car nty
Got the car back decided to have the whole gearbox disassembeled to check if anything is bent or broken all fine reasembeled again car only goes straight no reverse got the car towed back out of garage now new issue dosent go into gear at alll got it back into shop accumulator replaced 350€ later nothibg same no gears only a click sound and a second click like it falls out of gear
Pls looking for HELPPP
My car decided to not go into gear like it should it only goes into drive or reverse and it goed by clicking between drive neutral reverse like 60 times every button goes into gear after that it dosent go past third gear so only 1 2 3 and past that goes to neutral
After that got the car to the mechanic had the clutch replaced 1500€ didnt help at all same issue took the car to main dealer they obviusly didnt so anything only told me new robot and if it remambered the error new ecu
Wow 7000€ repair for a 16k car nty
Got the car back decided to have the whole gearbox disassembeled to check if anything is bent or broken all fine reasembeled again car only goes straight no reverse got the car towed back out of garage now new issue dosent go into gear at alll got it back into shop accumulator replaced 350€ later nothibg same no gears only a click sound and a second click like it falls out of gear
Pls looking for HELPPP