A few bravo HLX problems

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A few bravo HLX problems



Can anyone help with a few problems?

Drivers heated seat has stopped working, light come on but no heat, passenger side works fine.

Rear screen washer has stopped working, front works fine, all wipers work.

Horn seems to have a short circuit in the steering wheel, is that a dealer fix?

The metal bar going into the drivers door between the hinges (can't remember the name but controls the door opening) violently hits the door as you open or close it!!?!?

Despite all these problems i still love driving the thing!!
Some Answers

Rear Washer, the pipe has fallen off the washer spout.
You need to remove the rear plastic panel and replace the pipe into the spout - and fix it with a cable tie or somesuch thing (1/2hrs job) - there is a detailed description in 3 or 4 places in this forum - try 3-4 pages back. (Don't use the washer until it is fixed or else you may get water in the motor and blow it)

As for the door stop catch I think it needs tightened either where it is attached to the door, or else where it is attached to the car(below the hinges)

Can't help on the rest.

Steve O
Easy rear wiper instructions....

First of all you will need... a phillips screwdriver and a set of allen keys.

remove the 4 screws holding the panel on, and the 2 subber bumpstops.

it'll seem impossible to pull off....

there are 4 panel trim clips still holding it on.

simply prise them off with gentle force (!!!!!) and the panel will come loose.

using the allen keys remove the washer unit from the boot panel, you will find the loose hose floating around in there.

reconnect, and sillicon/anything it into place again, then follow instructions in reverse to put back together.

Job done.

takes 10 minutes allow 5 of that for scratching of head and drinking of tea.

Door check strap

Striped the door down (access is easy when you take the speaker out) and found the problem, one of the 2 mounts for the check strap had sheared off. Easy to tell if that's happened cos it makes one hell of a noise opening or closein the door!!
Check Strap

I had the same issue - the new one I got from Fiat (about £10 if I remember) has a reinforcing plate across the mounting points. There is obviously a known issue with them.
heated seat

My seat stopped and it turned out to be the element within the seat.
If it gets replaced make sure they replace the seat fabric correctly. Mine ended up looking like the skin on Anthony Hopkins face in Silence of the lambs(the part when he escapes down the lift with the face he removed from the police officer).
Re: heated seat

How much did it cost you to get fixed? - mine has given up as well Cheers
Heated seat element

Mine was under warranty.
If you wish though I can find out for you.
I look after the advertising & web site for a Fiat Dealership.

DIY job?

Cheers, a price would be great. Is the fix a DIY job or does it have to be done at a fiat dealership, i couldn't find anything about replacing the elements in the haynes manual?

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