Technical 4x4 rear silencers.

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Technical 4x4 rear silencers.


The Panda whisperer
May 6, 2009
Alton, Hants.
I am after a rear silencer for Barbara's 4x4, when I tried to get one from my local motor factors a couple of weeks ago they said they were on back order from their supplier (since February!). So I checked Ebay, the only one on there was £99 and in Germany. I can get one from Italy for about £80 delivered but wondered if anyone else had a cheaper supplier?

It's no longer important to get one for B's 4x4 as Gavin gave me the silencer that fell off his Super at the NEC so I can use that to make a temporary repair, unless a correct one turns up. This should last until the engine swap is done, when I will be looking to have a custom stainless system made for it.

Main reason for starting this thread is to highlight that we may have a problem in the future if we can't find a supplier. :(


Just checked Ebay again and price from Germany is now £69/£79.
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I have just rung my local stockist Minorfern in Chesterfield.
If you have a BOSAL distributor near you they are available from stock
Part No 148035 @ £28.20 +VAT = £33.84
Regards Dave
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I just got one from Ebay a couple of weeks ago. Still looks like they have some available. It's Klarius branded and is one of the ones with the rolled exit which seem better quality than the straight exit ones.

The seller is Euro car parts :confused:

When I tried my local depot they said they didn't hold any in the company yet their eBay listing states more than 10 available!

I've phoned them again and they're going to get back to me.
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ooooo... not sure if should buy new exhaust bits.. or get a stainless one made up..... hmmmmmmm

wonder how much a complete exhaust would cost...... this i must look into!

When my mate got one made for his Land Bruiser I asked him check for me. It was a wee while ago now but £250 rings a bell. Which seems pretty good to me, especially when I consider in my ownership I'm on my 4th rear section, 3rd mid section and 2nd front.
John.(Dragon Man)
Have you done any Stainless steel welding yet?
If not, do so now as I can see a market / job opening up for you.
Your new website.

By the way the Minorfern exhausts are to order in acouple of days

Heard back from Euro car parts today and they tell me they can't supply one for at least two weeks, so I don't know why their Ebay selling department are showing 19 available. And, when they could get them they would cost £68 + vat!

Think I'll buy one from their Ebay listing and see what happens.
Heard back from Euro car parts today and they tell me they can't supply one for at least two weeks, so I don't know why their Ebay selling department are showing 19 available. And, when they could get them they would cost £68 + vat!

Think I'll buy one from their Ebay listing and see what happens.

Well despite showing 19 available on their listing they emailed me to say there was a problem with their stock and they don't have any after all, so I got a refund. (n)

I've now made a temporary rear system with a second hand sports silencer and a length of the diamond patterned pipe I used to make the rock sliders. Not blowing any more and sounds great when revved at standstill, a little too noisy when on the move though so I shall be specifying 'quiet' when I have the stainless system made.

Must be getting old!
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