I have a 2011 Twinair 85bhp, which idles like a dog, and has been giving me misfire codes for both cylinders, plus a generic one (for environmental stuff?? i forget) which I think is the lambda sensor.
It started when the engine had an almighty lurch, and cut out, while idling one afternoon, when not stone cold. It felt like it had leapt off it's mounts.
MES told me that one the problems was an oil temperature sensor, which I'd replaced last year, so I became suspicious that I had a serious fault somewhere, and the fault codes weren't a reliable indicator.
So on Monday I took it to an independent ex Fiat diagnostic technician, who found no faults with any sensors, plugs, coils, or circuits.
He's not too familiar with these engines, so he rang his mate at a main dealership, who apparently said 'wrong oil, wrong level, and the micro oil filter in the uniair module will be clogged.'
The car's only done thirty two thousand, had been dealer serviced before I got it, and I've done three oil changes with the right stuff, and it's always stayed topped up.
The tech guy gave me some of his special engine flush, and sent me on my way, but after that I took it to my garage, for an existing repair, and asked them to clean the filter.
Unfortunately I don't know if it was clogged, as the guy who did it had gone home.
The good news is that the car hasn't registered a fault for the ten miles I've driven it, (though it idled rough today) which could be due to the tech guy's jiggery pokery with a proper Fiat diagnostic tool.
The bad news is that the uniair actuator could be on it's way out, if the faults come back.
And I'm sorry to say that could be your bad news too.
I thought I'd warn you, though the modules can be had for four hundred quid now, so shouldn't be a thousand pound job like it used to be.
I'll post if I mine needs more attention.
Cheers, Pete