Technical 2005 2.8 Ducato temperature gauge jumping

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Technical 2005 2.8 Ducato temperature gauge jumping


New member
Sep 17, 2019
Hi folks, when returning from a trip with my motorhome on a Ducato 2005 2.8jtd chassis the engine temperature gauge indicator pointer arm started to rise and fall from normal, which is about the 9 O'clock mark on the gauge jumping about and stopping at various positions between normal and going to and sitting at the red marker at times. the coolant tank is normal, there is no sign of sludge when the oil filler cap is removed and the engine is not running rough.
So i'm not sure if i'm running hot or if there is a problem with the gauge.
Has anyone else came across this issue.
I'm a bit wary to drive it at the moment.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Grant. :confused:
Well documented on here, disconnect and reconnect he cluters usually solves it. Worth cleaning the connectors while you're at it with a good contact cleaner like wurth kontakt ol.
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Can you help me with a bit more guidance on how to do this task please. Bit of a novice but like to learn to do things myself with help if possible. Thanks, Grant.
Saw it happen on a 2001 last month, bad earth connection! Clean off earth under battery tray.
Got into the back of the instrument panel and I have had a go at cleaning the multi plug with a little contact cleaner then plugged and unplugged a few times to try and resurface the contacts. Hope this solves the problem.