Technical 2.3 gearbox removal and clutch change questions

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Technical 2.3 gearbox removal and clutch change questions


New member
Mar 1, 2020
Hi, hope you’re all well?

Does anybody here have experience with removing the 6 speed box from a 2.3, popping in a new clutch kit?

Prior to my banging/clunking driveshaft thread I have had some other issues and am going to source a refurb box for around 1k and a new clutch kit.

I could probably do it myself as I could use mums hubbys driveway, albeit sloped...

How long do you reckon it would take? Any hints or tips? Special tools I’ll need? Or am I barking up the wrong tree and better off dropping it into a garage?

Thanks in advance
Thanks, some handy information there, the last box I took off was a 1.4 fiesta. Did that on the deck on axle stands, hopefully can manage with the Ducato on stands. Got the e-learn manual so will have a good study. I’m sure I remember reading about a pin that had to be removed to allow the box to separate I’m sure the manual will inform me :)
No mention of having to withdraw any pins to remove the bell housing from engine in the e-learn manual...slave cylinder in the box (as expected) now trying to figure out wether I should save up and just order a recon box or wing it and just order clutch kit.

All gears select fine on this box but have seen a video where the input shaft on the box had excessive float.. worried that this could be contributing towards the judder issue
Maybe you should do some more research on juddering in reverse. It is a very common problem with Ducatos. See

Hi oigle!

I feel I have done a lot of research regarding juddering in reverse issues in Ducatos, mostly due to the long reverse gear ratio and weak mounts by the looks of it! Mine used to judder in reverse unless I got off the clutch ASAP and reversed at tick over (probably at near 30mph!!) or slipping the clutch.

Since changing all the mounts mine doesn’t judder in reverse half as bad as it used too.

But I am now experiencing judder when pulling away in first, not every time but it’s often enough that I’m pulling away at a snails pace/slipping the clutch if I need to move quickly out of the way.

Accompanied with this judder is also clonking/banging from the transmission area.

Also, occasionally when cold and powering up a hill I can make the clutch slip (only by a couple hundred rpm) this only happens ONCE on a drive, 9/10 when the engine is pretty much stone cold.

I am convinced that this could be slight drag caused by a work release bearing, hence my questioning about gearbox removal for replacement.

I fulltime in my van but do have some workspace available to me so I’m trying to gain as much information as possible :)

The van is about to touch 100k so if it needs a new clutch I cannot fault that, given some of these had new clutches well before 40k.

I don’t mind spending another 1k for a recon box but was curious as to wether someone has had similar issues and just replacing the clutch has sorted it

Thanks for replying :)
Update:- gearbox has now started whining in 1st,2nd,3rd. Probably 4,5&6 too but can’t hear over road/engine noise.

drained oil and it’s not lost any. Just going to get a recon box fitted

Starting new thread as now need some assistance getting the right clutch kit.