The 1998 is more likely to be an 8v.
And unfortunately, it is an "Interference" engine, so once the belt snapped, the pistons will have invited the valves for lunch.
Chances are the valves are bent, and the pistons could possibly have suffered some damage.
I would replace the head, or if you fancy a task, then it can be rebuild with new valves, stem seals.
I know that this is probably a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, but the belt should have been replaced. There not hard or expensive on the petrol engines.
It depends on how mechanically minded you are, as to if you do the work yourself, or employ a garage.
With parts and labor, it may work out about the same (sometimes cheaper) to get a new engine fitted as get the old one fitted.
There are plenty of used blocks out there.