Technical 1967 Fiat 500 Classic Starter Switch

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Technical 1967 Fiat 500 Classic Starter Switch


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Jul 7, 2018
hello all! I have a 1967 fiat 500 I’m going through to revamp the electrical as it would start. I’ve replaced the coil, distributor arm, plugs and wires, etc. It still wouldn’t start unless there was fluid being injected into carburetor. I replaced the fuel pump and fuel line which solved delivery but still won’t start. I jumped direct power to coil, and it did start and ran which points me more toward the Infiniti on switch.. Upon inspection it appears one line is loose but my manua really does indicate which connection is what. Two questions:

1) can anyone provide a diagram with which color wire goes to which connector?

2) May not be the right fox but at least temporary , is there any issue with connecting a new switch with direct power from dues to coil? Not sure if there’s any kind of a limiter in between the switch and coil that would reduce amps/current. Don’t want to blow anything out… would at least let me to start and move it as I rehab everything.

Open to suggestions. Also, looks like I should replace / upgrade the fuse line/box too. Still has the old fuses but looking for quick fix for now.
hello all! I have a 1967 fiat 500 I’m going through to revamp the electrical as it would start. I’ve replaced the coil, distributor arm, plugs and wires, etc. It still wouldn’t start unless there was fluid being injected into carburetor. I replaced the fuel pump and fuel line which solved delivery but still won’t start. I jumped direct power to coil, and it did start and ran which points me more toward the Infiniti on switch.. Upon inspection it appears one line is loose but my manua really does indicate which connection is what. Two questions:

1) can anyone provide a diagram with which color wire goes to which connector?

2) May not be the right fox but at least temporary , is there any issue with connecting a new switch with direct power from dues to coil? Not sure if there’s any kind of a limiter in between the switch and coil that would reduce amps/current. Don’t want to blow anything out… would at least let me to start and move it as I rehab everything.

Open to suggestions. Also, looks like I should replace / upgrade the fuse line/box too. Still has the old fuses but looking for quick fix for now.
Someone else may have diagram.
Can you test the switch with a volt meter to see what comes live and when. Assume it still has points and condensor etc in distributor. Temporary you could run a wire from battery via a small fuse (5amp?) to the sw (switch) side of the coil cb side going to the contact breakers (points) unless it has + and - in which case points side is what ever your battery earth is as it goes to earth via the points and condensor. Incidentally if you haven't changed the condensor always a good idea if car left for any time. The clue is the old contact points look blue and pitted if condensor failing plus misfire.
Also if you run a temporary wire don't leave it live with engine not actually running as coil , points and condensor will overheat and fail.
Re query about limiter to coil some vehicle used to have a ballast resister to the coil with two wires to sw side, though generally they use a lower voltage coil, to combat the voltage drain on cranking, I know older Vauxhalls used too but someone else will know if Fiat did.
Someone else may have diagram.
Can you test the switch with a volt meter to see what comes live and when. Assume it still has points and condensor etc in distributor. Temporary you could run a wire from battery via a small fuse (5amp?) to the sw (switch) side of the coil cb side going to the contact breakers (points) unless it has + and - in which case points side is what ever your battery earth is as it goes to earth via the points and condensor. Incidentally if you haven't changed the condensor always a good idea if car left for any time. The clue is the old contact points look blue and pitted if condensor failing plus misfire.
Also if you run a temporary wire don't leave it live with engine not actually running as coil , points and condensor will overheat and fail.
Re query about limiter to coil some vehicle used to have a ballast resister to the coil with two wires to sw side, though generally they use a lower voltage coil, to combat the voltage drain on cranking, I know older Vauxhalls used too but someone else will know if Fiat did.
If you have a coil of only 1.5ohm resistance, you will need a ballast-resister----I normally use a "Blue" Bosch coil which is a 3 ohm coil, so no ballest resister is needed