Styling 16's on Punto???

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Styling 16's on Punto???


New member
Jun 26, 2014
Pensnett - west Midlands
OK been offered a set of 17" alloys for £50 - with good tyres..
Now I already have 15's on...but would 17's with 205/45's fit??
Also while i think about it...had N/S suspension leg changed and now O/S strut top is close to windscreen, but N/S is towards bumper?? does this make a difference??? even guy fitting it said that's where IT wanted to go??
15 is best for punto
16 is expensive rubber
17 will be stressing the differential

For 50notes buy them and sell em on for a profit

Both of my struts sit same, and did before
Theyll need slackening and repositioning

Worth trying I feels hell of a lot better to drive now (had bent leg on N/S when brought) being tracked up this week..worth asking them to adjust it while they have it..
Yeah did think about getting the 17's and flogging them on, but sales seem a bit sluggish at the moment..
Cheers for replies Ziggy..:worship:
why 15 if i am allowed to ask?

For road use, it's the right blend of pliability, and keeps unsprung weight down. Going to stupidly low profile works on tracks with smooth surfaces, but the reality of British roads is nothing like that. It's the reason I'm aiming for 13" rims on my MNR Vortx next year if the budget allows.