Technical 169 Rear Shocks

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Technical 169 Rear Shocks

May 21, 2014
I have almost finished my summer jobs on the car, biggest thing to do is the rear shocks and I can't find a 169 specific guide. I've had the new kyb gas shocks sitting doing nothing as i have been concentrating on getting everything else done.

It looks simple but has anyone got any tips from when they did theirs?

2004 1.2 2wd

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Rear shocks are very easy on the Panda.

Jack up, wheel off, remove two bolts connecting shock, remove shock.

Pump new shock two or three times from fully raised to fully compressed.

Insert new shock. Do bolts up loosely.

Jack under rear beam with a block of wood to raise it to "normal" position. Then do the bolts up to torque. This keeps the bushes from being permanently twisted when the car is at normal ride height. You can do the lower bolt with the wheels on the ground instead but the top one can't be got to (maybe it can on the 1.2, access is blocked by the wheel on the 100HP).

Sorry, I don't have the torque values.
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Not sure what size socket you need, but the telescopic breaker bar for the wheel nuts has a 17mm and 19mm fittings.

Sockets are 15mm & 19mm on 100HP.
Took my Koni's off a few weeks ago to adjust them slightly as the other halfs daughters said they felt sick in the back.

15min job and 200mile drive with no complaints!