bought a doblo multijet in june with 46,000 miles on clock with full service history.Just did 50,000 in December and one morning it wouldn't start. Took to local Fiat dealer. Had for 2+weeks.Rang me up said £2.5k to fix. Went to see all running train on the floor with the body on the ramp. Had the engine rebuilt.Wife says must sell now to get some money back with no more heartache. I wonder if with careful driving and regular oil changes should the engine last? Heard of loads of scrapped Corsa's because of the same engine. Love the rest of the car but literally TERRIFIED of driving it. The fault was a slack timing chain which kills the rest of the engine. My brother tells me the chain tensioner is the same as one's they fit to factory conveyor belts and fail all the time. What do I do?. All my previous cars did 150 to 200k miles no trouble. But it seems cars are now like tv's and washing machines ie. first fault and scrap as repairs uneconomical. If you have a high mile original engine 1.3multijet engine regardless of model, please,please,please tell me to give me some faith in Fiat and some reasurance. Many thanks in hopeful anticipation