So... Snow/cold having stopped play again last week; an update.
I deliberately avoided any attempt to start the car during the last cold snap... given the circumstances which kicked off this chain of events. So; on Tuesday just past the car was started again with the intention of gathering some more pressure figures; bearing in mind what Mike has said;
On my Scudo a quick flooring of the throttle got as much as 2000 Bar, this on an old pump.
...and everything I've read about the pressures involved with this system; once the car was warm I decided to 'floor the throttle briefly'. This caused the check engine light to come back on, and the usual P0089. The car would not then rev past 3,000rpm. Reviewing the codes showed a P0087 (Fuel Rail/System Pressure - Too Low) waiting in the wings as 'pending'.
Wednesday, (having reviewed this data, and noted it as best I could) I decided to try starting the car again. It was clearly restricted (limp mode of some sort?) to 2800rpm. Clearing the codes didn't immediately clear this restriction on the first start (car turned fully of and back on again); but on the second it was gone and the car revved normally. - it was too wet outside to do the leak back test; a suitable kit having been acquired.
However, it was then possible to
very briefly rev to about 5000rpm with no more than about 800kPa appearing on the diagnostic tool. - Nowhere close to 2000bar or even the 1200-1600 that I've seen suggested
might be expected. Unfortunately this was one of those occasions where the tool failed/refused record!
And so to today; the earliest window of opportunity I've had due to the weather...
The leak-back test, previously suggested was run... and the raw results are shown in the picture below:
For clarity... the problem as I see it is rail pressure collapsing; the theory under investigation being excessive leak-back from the injectors. Disregarding the imbalance for a moment, one or two things are, I think, of note.
1) The kit in use is one of the cheap £20 types obtained off eBay.
The numbers on the 'graduates' are entirely arbitrary and basically meaningless; i.e you might expect 10ml per division from looking at it, but that's really not what's indicated! Each 'division' - is actually about 5.6ml! So - if
you use one of these kits you will also need a proper measuring device, a notepad and a pen!
2) The general consensus I've been able to glean suggests a figure of 25ml/minute (for each injector) is 'acceptable' as a limit; therefore I'm working on the basis that for leak-back to be responsible for low pressure on the rail (i.e. pressure collapse) it would need to be far in excess of 100ml/min (collectively, for all four injectors) to be at the heart of this problem.
...I happen to have in my lock-up, an old photographic (i.e. proper chemical) measure. So; I've been able to measure the volumes fairly accurately. From left to right (nominally 1-4) these are:
(1) 30ml
(2) 35ml
(3) 50ml
(4) 45ml
Over the 279
seconds of the test... this equates to leak-back rates of;
(1) 5.4ml/min
(2) 7.8ml/min
(3) 10.8ml/min
(4) 9.6ml/min
Collectively (
between all four injectors) that's 34.4ml/min -
surely this should be well within what the system can cope with; without the pressure collapsing?
Bear in mind the chain of events here... It seems that waxed fuel 'killed' a previously serviceable lift pump. On reflection it's possible to form the opinion that, during the attempts to start the car, the high pressure pump was also (resultantly) partially 'starved' of fuel/lubricant; and that whatever did reach it done no good! After being partially refuelled with 'winter' mix and a cleaning agent... the car 'ran' again; but not well or reliably.
Fuel pressure figures...
*********************************STREAM Page:1*****************************
Name:Calculated LOAD Value
Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Calculated LOAD Value
Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Calculated LOAD Value
Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
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Name:Calculated LOAD Value
Name:Engine Coolant Temperature
Name:Engine RPM
Name:Fuel Rail Pressure
This is remember al with a new - Lift pump, Fuel Filter and Fuel regulator.
...As always; any input would be appreciated. I am beginning to form an opinion; but I'd like to hear the thoughts of others on this.