Technical 1.2 8v severe overheating

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Technical 1.2 8v severe overheating


New member
Jun 7, 2009
Hi, this is my first post so please be patient if i dont put all the info you need in. My punto 1.2 8v is overheating. i have bled the system several times and had water flowing from both bleed screws. As soon as I start the engine the temp just keeps rising. It gets so hot that if I open the bleed screw on the heater hose I get steam through it. I have changed the thermostat. The fan does not operate but this could be due to water in expansion tank not getting hot. I also get severe pressure in expansion tank when i open the cap. Could this be the wter pumpor a severe blockage. No water in oil or vice versa and no gunge in oil filler cap,

Please help i am baffled

Cheers, Myson
Should also be very careful about opening blead valves or pressure caps whilst the system is running or pressurised. Can give some nasty burns or worse.:eek:
Hi No mayo in oil filler cap or signs of oil in water, my suspicion now the water pump. Next question, how do you change it?
Thanks for help so far it is much appreciated,
the water pump is a doddle to change, as far as i can remember 4 bolts and its done, but i would recommend letting the engine get cold before changing it, you don't want to get burnt hands of fingers,

i had this same problem, first HG went, then found out the thermostat was bust, then water pump then was keep loosing water, turns out it was the rad with a hole in it!
The mayo in the oil and the oil in the coolant is mostly an urban myth, when it comes to the 16V engine. If you burn the headgasket, all you get is coolant disappearing, and eventually smoke in worst cases. In an 8V though, it might be possible...

My suggestion is that you get a full check up of your engine. That is, distribution kit (cam belt and tensioners), water pump, head gasket, and thermostat. That is what I had fixed on mine, to make sure nothing else fails.