General Rear brake cylinders

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General Rear brake cylinders

jim whitehead

New member
Mar 27, 2008
  • I am trying to replace rear brake cylinders, which activate the brake shoes. (The bleed nipples are completely seized) The cylinders are bolted on by two small bolts into the hub and the cylinder is attached to the brake pipe by a 10mm nut.
  • When trying to release the pipe union from the cylinder the pipe begins to bend. I think the bolt should move up the pipe thus releasing the union.
  • I have used loads of lube and brake spanners...
Does any one have any others ideas about how I could disconnect pipe from cylinder without breaking the pipes.


Plenty of plus gas, but if you've already started bending the pipe then you probably ought to replace it (or at least the last section of it) as the damage is already done. @mrcinquecento is local (or was last time I spoke to him) and may have a brake pipe flaring kit.

It's one of the few tools i don't currently have sadly!, Daz (Abyss113) i believe may still have a set from memory from when he did the pipes on his old Seicento, but he lives in Edinburgh just now so even if they were still in his lockup here, i can't get in to check :(
Tbh - i gave up trying to get the bloody pipe work to come out correctly on clyinder jobs

I clamp the flexi
Cut the pipes near to the unions - get a ring spanner and socket on the flexi to wind that out
Undo the 2x 10mm bolts on the slave and pull it out

I pay £10 to have 2x new brake pipes made up, which i carefully bend into a near right shape to fit

Tbh - i gave up trying to get the bloody pipe work to come out correctly on clyinder jobs

I clamp the flexi
Cut the pipes near to the unions - get a ring spanner and socket on the flexi to wind that out
Undo the 2x 10mm bolts on the slave and pull it out

I pay £10 to have 2x new brake pipes made up, which i carefully bend into a near right shape to fit

Yes... The more I think about it it seems the only option. I will fit new pipes, slave cylinder and new backplate.
