Technical Downloading & Burning 244 eLearn ISO CD image

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Technical Downloading & Burning 244 eLearn ISO CD image

Nov 18, 2006
Sunshine Coast Qld, Aust
This has been posted in another thread - but to make it easier to find will put it under its own Thread & Title.

Here are the links I have put up over time as to how to download & burn the eLearn ISO "image" to CD
But better still here is a step by step guide using 2 different methods.

Downloading & Burning 244 eLearn ISO CD image

Step 1 Download the Ducato eLearn02-06 RAR file containing the ISO image. - 113 MB
Which can be downloaded as one complete RAR file from this link here -
go to bottom of the page & select slow download wait till countdown then click "Start Download"
Step 2 download Winrar from the web, it is free - here are 2 places - or
Step 3 When the eLearn RAR file has finished downloading (make sure you know where it went on you system) & you have installed Winrar on your system. Winrar is not the only program that will open RAR files Winzip, 7zip & a lot of other compression programs will open RAR files as well.
Step 4 Using Winrar as the example , when you double click on the downloaded RAR file linked above in step 1 containing the eLearn CD image it will open to reveal the RAR has 1 file inside it – the eLearn ISO, on the menu at the top of the winrar program there is an “exract to” button, highlight the 1 file as in - eLearn Manuale Technico D’officina Fiat Ducato.ISO
Step 5 When selecting the “extract to Button” it will give you an option as to where to extract the file to, so select where you want to extract the file to, this will give the ISO file from which you can then burn the ISO image (567 MB) to a CD
Step 6 Once you have the elearn ISO you then need a image burning program such Nero to the burn the ISO as an image to the CD. As there are so many burning programs available I cannot not go into how to do this for all programs..
Using Nero Burning Rom version – when in the new compilation window select CD (not DVD) then at the top of the list use CD-ROM (ISO) then click open & navigate to where you extracted the ISO image to & select it, put Ducato eLearn in the Disc name under label tab, then select burning speed etc & click “Burn”. This will, if all went well produce the eLearn CD which you can then use to install the program on your system.
Step 7 When you have the completed CD image burn, you can remove it from the drive then reinsert it in the CD drive & if autorun is enabled on your system it should start to install itself automatically & add the eLearn icon to your desktop, NB: the CD must be in the CD drive whilst using the program for the installation files on you system to access the Databases on the CD, so when using the program first put the CD in the drive.
There are also other methods of running the program such as mounting the ISO as a virtual drive using such programs as Daemon Tools etc.

Although it is not obvious the eLearn program uses Internet Explorer as its interface & will not work with any other browser. From my experience the version of I.E. I have on Windows 7 is I.E.11 & it operates with no problems on that, (& previous versions back to IE6) & windows XP, should work on Vista as well, on saying that I will try it on Windows 8.1 also with I.E. 11 & see what happens.

To make it slightly easier for those who aren’t computer literate I have devised an alternative method of making the eLearn CD using a Winzip file as follows.
Downloading & Burning 244 eLearn CD using a Winzip File

Make a Directory on your system & call it whatever, maybe Ducato (Note: not "eLearn" as that is created when installing the program) then download the zip file (163MB) from here –
go to bottom of the page & select slow download wait till countdown then click "Start Download"

Once you have downloaded the zip file open the & extract the contents of the zip file to your newly created directory.
In your directory you will see a sub-Directory - “sub-folder” called 244Ducato_eLearn.
From one of my previous posts - the contents of which should look like this –
the folder contents should be as below with 5 folders (in red) plus 5 files in the root directory of the CD (the contents of the above eLearn ISO should look the same)


Now all you need to do is burn the contents as in the 5 folders & 5 files above in the “244Ducato_eLearn “ folder to a CD. This will create an eLearn CD which can then be installed on your system & again as stated above the CD has to be in the CD drive when using the program.
As above if autorun is configured on your system once the files have been burnt to the CD & it has completed open the CD drive then close it again & it should start the install automatically. Also once it is installed on your system just putting the eLearn CD in the drive usually automatically starts the program without clicking on the desktop icon.
Not “quite” as complicated as the ISO.

When you start the program select the language in the top left - English then select the engine size. Then click on the Blue Ducato van at the top & select from the menu on the left.

The eLearn program is basically the same as any Windows software program, once you have the elearn CD it installs just like any other program & accesses the info from the database on the CD which is why it needs to be in the drive when using the program but only runs on/needs internet Explorer.
The complicated part is in the version on the forum the ISO has been split into 5 parts to make it easier to download. When you have all 5 RAR parts downloaded & use winrar to extract it out it looks for the “other” 4 parts of the RAR file & extracts it out using the 5 parts into the eLearn ISO which is then burnt to CD. The first link at the top of the post is the same eLearn RAR as the on forum but is one big RAR file instead of being split into 5 parts as in the forum version.
An ISO file is an image of a CD which when burnt to a CD produces a copy of the original CD & is used to enable exact copies of CD/DVDs to be transferred over the internet.
I have just tried the older DTE version on I.E. 8 on XP & it still seems to work OK but did have problems with the wiring diagrams so maybe the SVG viewer needs to be installed ? Might just post this as a separate thread & in the Guides section so it is easier to find.
Hope that is clear enough to follow & helps somebody – any problems just ask

I have just followed the instructions for making a CD (DVD-RW) from Winzip.

The elearn icon is on the desktop, however when I select it a message appears to state that a valid disk is not inserted (NO CDROM)

Please advise.

I have just followed the instructions for making a CD (DVD-RW) from Winzip.

The elearn icon is on the desktop, however when I select it a message appears to state that a valid disk is not inserted (NO CDROM)

Please advise.

The disc has to be in the same drive letter that it was installed with, so if the cdrom drive was e: when you installed it the cdrom must be in e: when you run it.

You can reinstall it again if the drive letter has changed.
I have used drive F to burn and Install. This is also the drive that the disk is put into.
Try CLI king start on the CD instead of the link on the desktop
corcai has said exactly what I would say & if the Icon is on the desktop I am assuming that the winzip extraction went correctly & the resulting folders/files were then burnt to the CD correctly as it seems to have installed itself OK.
As corcai has said it has to be in the same drive as it was installed from to work correctly. The only other thing as corcai said, try double clicking the "Start.exe" on the CD & see if it opens from there or try "eLearn.exe" from the install folder in the eLearn folder on the C: drive which is where the desktop icon points to.
Requirements have said it needs Internet Explorer 5.5 or later to run so I had to set I.E. as the default browser as I use Firefox but lately it seems to still work without I.E. as the default browser so I assume it now works in Firefox?? - but from experience the "No CD inserted" message is there is no CD or it is in the incorrect CD/DVD drive. Let us know what happens