Coronavirus - The Thread :(

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Coronavirus - The Thread :(

Strange how I got such a minimal reaction to the Pfizer - both times - and such an unpleasant reaction to the moderna - and I believe the moderna was only a half dose? - I'm telling myself that it means I can be reassured my body has really fought this one though so my blood must be full of lots of "good soldiers" this time?

Hope I'm not "going on" too much with this? But I'm finding the different reactions I've had to the two vaccines fascinating. and now I'm noticing another "indicator"

Ever since puberty I've had a reaction to viruses which manifests itself as I'm returning to good health, even a cold brings this out. "This" being a body rash. A common cold brings out a rash on both sides of my stomach. If it's a really "good one" the rash joins up round my tummy. This injection has brought out a rash which started last night and is currently not just joined up right round my abdomen but also up my sides and under my arms. It's also down the inside of my thighs! It normally ends up with roughly a day of excessive itching as my skin returns to normal - not looking forward to it this time as I recon it's going to be some itch! On the other hand I suppose it means my body really got to grips with the little invaders.

Colin, I just missed national service which I think was a disappointment to my family which had strong military connections. I'm unsure as to whether I've missed out as I greatly enjoyed my years in the ACF and loved the summer camps with the Artillery. Seems some people got a lot out of it and others hated it, suppose it depended, as with so many things, what you put into it?
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Seems some people got a lot out of it and others hated it, suppose it depended, as with so many things, what you put into it?

My Dad said that Learning to TYPE was probably the most beneficial to him.. in Catterick ( British Army)

He wouldnt have liked Lockdown much.. loved being out and about chatting to people.
Hope I'm not "going on" too much with this? But I'm finding the different reactions I've had to the two vaccines fascinating. and now I'm noticing another "indicator"

Ever since puberty I've had a reaction to viruses which manifests itself as I'm returning to good health, even a cold brings this out. "This" being a body rash. A common cold brings out a rash on both sides of my stomach. If it's a really "good one" the rash joins up round my tummy. This injection has brought out a rash which started last night and is currently not just joined up right round my abdomen but also up my sides and under my arms. It's also down the inside of my thighs! It normally ends up with roughly a day of excessive itching as my skin returns to normal - not looking forward to it this time as I recon it's going to be some itch! On the other hand I suppose it means my body really got to grips with the little invaders.

Colin, I just missed national service which I think was a disappointment to my family which had strong military connections. I'm unsure as to whether I've missed out as I greatly enjoyed my years in the ACF and loved the summer camps with the Artillery. Seems some people got a lot out of it and others hated it, suppose it depended, as with so many things, what you put into it?

My friend has a lot of allergies so has not had the Coof vaccine or the flu vaccine. She reacted to our "shedding" when my boss and I had our second Covid jabs.

She has tested positive for Covid T-cells showing that she has the best immunity from the virus. T-cells kill virus infected cells, while the vaccine antibodies only tag the virus between cells.

Under proposed rules to mandate the jabs for health and care workers, she would not be allowed to work in healthcare because she has no covid vaccine. This is complete anti science because she has proof that no vaccine is needed.

It also begs the question as to why the flu jab has to be mandated and forced on people. It never was before 2020 so why now?
Under proposed rules to mandate the jabs for health and care workers, she would not be allowed to work in healthcare because she has no covid vaccine. This is complete anti science because she has proof that no vaccine is needed.
No it's not, it should be a mandatory requirement that all health workers are vaccinated. If they cant then the health sector is not for them.
My friend has a lot of allergies so has not had the Coof vaccine or the flu vaccine. She reacted to our "shedding" when my boss and I had our second Covid jabs.

Once again, vaccine shedding from ANY of the Covid-19 vaccines is a MYTH.

As in it is IMPOSSIBLE.

None of the Covid-19 vaccines are live attenuated.

You can shed if you actually have Covid, because you've got the live virus, but not from a vaccine.

There’s no chance of viral shedding as a result of your COVID vaccine.

I really don't understand how rubbish like this is still getting talked about.
Once again, vaccine shedding from ANY of the Covid-19 vaccines is a MYTH.

As in it is IMPOSSIBLE.

None of the Covid-19 vaccines are live attenuated.

You can shed if you actually have Covid, because you've got the live virus, but not from a vaccine.

There’s no chance of viral shedding as a result of your COVID vaccine.

I really don't understand how rubbish like this is still getting talked about.

When you read between the lines it’s really rather obvious that the people posting this stuff don’t have the slightest clue of what they are talking about.

Read a few alt -right American medical websites and it’s amazing what dribble people will come out with
Had my third Covid vaccine booster this morning. Misheard the nurse, I thought she asked me to pull my t shirt sleeve more, and doing this I yanked the syringe out of my arm, luckily the vaccine had been administered, so no harm done. Ironically, I never felt a thing, usually I feel the little prick of the needle.
Glad to hear you got your's Jim. As you'll know I got mine end of last week and I felt rather under the weather for a few days which surprised me seeing as how I got only a minimal reaction with my first and second. Maybe it was because the third one was the Moderna whereas the other two were Pfizer?

Mrs J gets her third one tomorrow and, unlike me, she's getting it at the same treatment centre as we got our first and second ones. It'll be interesting to se if she gets another Pfizer or an alternative like I did.
Aye Jock, we are all different. Funnily enough my fear of needles has somewhat settled a bit when I discovered why I did indeed have the fear. It’s the build up, then I get the jag, and I think why do I worry, I’m fine, no Problems, never feel any Ill effects.
While the news was reporting on the wuhan flu in the early days of the pandemic UK hospitals were flooded with "communal viral pneumonia" causing many many deaths.

When the news of cases in the uk broke A friend of mine working in a midlands hospital was banned from ordering tests on patients under the threat of dismissal, the last "viral pneumonia" test she had ordered was actually cancelled by her superior.

I am 100% certain that it will be revealed that the so called Covid 19 virus was in circulation long before this pandemic but was covered up to prevent panic until it was reported in the news and became public knowledge.