General Zorst

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General Zorst

Jan 23, 2007
I've got to replace the downpipe on my barchetta, the flexi section is coming apart.

Having inspected it, it seems that along the full length of the exhaust all of the hanging points are on one side. I'm sure this must add to the stresses on - in particular - the flexi pipe, as well as all the other joins in the system, particularly once the flexi section begins to fail and all of the weight is on the hangers.

It's a DTR system, which may be different from standard in this area, but has anyone else noticed this and/or done anything to improve it? I'm tempted to add two extra hangers to the other side.
Had the same issue, so I removed it. I do not think the DTR exhaust is anygood, the company that re designed my exhaust said the DTR was made of cheap material and not hung right, I went through my history and found DTR fitted it!

Yes to adding more clips. But replace the whole thing for a better design. find a local company to make you one, you can then choose your oen look of pipes.
No reason to change it, it's fine.

It's a good stainless exhaust system which should last the lifetime of the car. DTR did a good job of re-designing and simplifying the system and making it lighter and cheaper than the original Fiat item with better life expectancy. It just needs hanging better.
You may be right, mine from DTR lasted 5yrs, I found cracks around the pipes. The local exhaust maker said it was rubbish, I could not claim under the warranty as I did not buy it, warranty is only for the purchaser.

They may have upgraded them since.