
Currently reading:

Have they actually got copies of the emails you sent your aunt? And have they given them to you? If not, I would be asking them for a copy so that you can prepare a defence.

And I'm thinking that the one guest reading this thread may (or may not) come from your place of work ;)
Going to walk stright in and had in my notice tomorrow then just going to sit there a reel of thing upon thing that they do wrong and drag down some of the people that annoyed me whilst I worked there.:)

At least I now know what It is I have supposedly done so I can come up ith arguements.

Good luck mate!!
Have they actually got copies of the emails you sent your aunt? And have they given them to you? If not, I would be asking them for a copy so that you can prepare a defence.

And I'm thinking that the one guest reading this thread may (or may not) come from your place of work ;)

They read all my emails by the looks of it! To be honest they never wanted me there and I think they have been waiting for an excuse to get rid of me.

Hello guest:wave:How's the investigation work going? wouldn't be suprised if it was someone from my work. They seem to spend more time investigating people and trying to dig dirt on people than doing any work.

Seriously I'm amazed how they get anything done. They must of read through months of emails to try and pin something on me. Seriously though if they investigate everyones emails enough they will find something that will requires disciplinary action.

My "boss" has only spoken to me once at work and that was to find out more information about certain employees at work that eventually got sacked. I don't think I ever had a conversation with him other than this! And they wonder why its a sh*t work enviroment!

Anyway I hope it is someone from work. See you tomorrow whoever that is:) will look forward to bringing up a few issues. (Please can you find out if I signed a computer usage type of form so I can check it tomorrow) (y)
If you want to cause a bit of trouble, I would suggest writing a grievance and handing it to your line manager. ;) You could say anything to you don't like the way it's being handled, or like you said they have wanted a reason to sack you. Looking for ways to sack you wouldn't sit well in court. ;)

I did it twice, was well funny watching them cack it! :p Especially my CEO when I put in a grievance about her! :D
i have never had a problem working in our internal IT dept. Glad i am not you though, they sound like real :tosser:

If you are ever looking for work though give us a shout with your CV and i will pass it into our IT recruitment department, they will put it on our database for you. Just incase i suppose. you never know eh!

I can't say i wouldnt want a job coming upto the christmas period

Hope all plans out well for you whatever you do ;)

and yes, they're allowed to read emails sent by company addresses, unfortunately... i got a telling off for it a few months ago :(

*edit* just realised I was reading post #1 when everyone was one #186.. sorry for my lateness :rolleyes:
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and yes, they're allowed to read emails sent by company addresses, unfortunately... i got a telling off for it a few months ago :(

Only if the member of staff has been briefed (usually part of the staff induction) on the use of Company IT and Comunication Equipment and the fact its all monitored/recorded/logged. Same has to be said if using a program like VNC.

If not Mikee can sue the jock off them or atleast blackmail a nice 4figure number as compo :D.

Enjoy your time off :D.
Only if the member of staff has been briefed (usually part of the staff induction) on the use of Company IT and Comunication Equipment and the fact its all monitored/recorded/logged. Same has to be said if using a program like VNC.

If not Mikee can sue the jock off them or atleast blackmail a nice 4figure number as compo :D.

Enjoy your time off :D.

as said above, everything is recorded and there is always the chance your data would be checked. You have to sign company usage policies on a number of things from Internet/mail to a HR. These are usually the forms nobody reads or briefly do and sign away. When you join any company they have to watch there backs. It would be like a recruiter leaving our company but sending all there or as much of there contacts as possible with them. We are dealing with a situation with an ex employee at the minute.

but saying that all requests on users data has to come from senior management or above, its not like we can just go check x's data at random. Its all in the best interests of the company, whatever the case petty or priority you never know a situation until you check.
Got a letter through today saying they are deducting 1.5 days pay as I took this as extra holiday. Also saying they arent paying me for a day sick I had.

After reading throgh I realised I am owed 0.5 days holdiay as I had 22 days holiday and used 21.5! How on earth I would manage to get away with extra days holiday there I do not know! you cant even talk without getting told off so the chance of me sneaking in an extra day and a half holiday is impossible.

They also had a system you book your holiday on and it was all logged so I have referred them back to this:)

Can they not pay me for a day sickness? I was always paid for previous ones.

At the bottom of the letter it says please feel free to arrange a meeting to discuss the points i put in my resignation letter. So If they are going to not co operate with this then I will be having that meeting to waste time and do something stupid like run in and slide accross the big board room table then just walk out:)
Got a letter through today saying they are deducting 1.5 days pay as I took this as extra holiday. Also saying they arent paying me for a day sick I had.

After reading throgh I realised I am owed 0.5 days holdiay as I had 22 days holiday and used 21.5! How on earth I would manage to get away with extra days holiday there I do not know! you cant even talk without getting told off so the chance of me sneaking in an extra day and a half holiday is impossible.

They also had a system you book your holiday on and it was all logged so I have referred them back to this:)

Can they not pay me for a day sickness? I was always paid for previous ones.

At the bottom of the letter it says please feel free to arrange a meeting to discuss the points i put in my resignation letter. So If they are going to not co operate with this then I will be having that meeting to waste time and do something stupid like run in and slide accross the big board room table then just walk out:)

Are they accrued holidays? For example some places award 1.33 days holiday for each month worked. So if you have taken more days leave than you had accrued then you would effectively owe them(n)
Realised this.

Oh well cant see why I wouldnt get paid for a day sick though:confused:

Unless the contract, that you don't have, states that you don't get paid for the first or first and second days sick.

If no contract issued within a certain period, something like 6 weeks, then IIRC the implied terms act comes into force.

