Window Tinting

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Window Tinting


New member
Mar 16, 2005
I've searched this website and haven't found the information that I require so I'm hoping a fresh thread will be able to help me. I have a 3 Door, Red, Mark 1 Fiat Punto and I am considering having the rear winscreen and the two rear windows tinted. Not too dark mind you, maybe light smoke. I have scowered the Internet but I can't find any prices. Could anyone on here tell me how much I am looking at paying? Thanks in advance...
It varies from place to place. Depends on how you define 'expensive'. On something like your windows, in my opinion, you should be prepared to spend.

Have you checked your yellow pages? See of there is any companies local to you, i would have thought so from the midlands.

A niche market such as this and your location i would have doubt you would have seen a price on a website anyway. Especially as the competition could view and adjust price accordingly ;)

I know a place in manchester if you are prepared to travel
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scottie2065 said:
for a 3 door to get the ful car done costs on average about £130

Disagree. Depends where you go and location and type of service. Ive a three door and mine cost 200+ but i went to a professional who officially do tinting for Jaguar and Land Rover dealerships in the NW
AppleSei said:
Disagree. Depends where you go and location and type of service. Ive a three door and mine cost 200+ but i went to a professional who officially do tinting for Jaguar and Land Rover dealerships in the NW
you got ripped off mate. i know a place in essex does it for £25 a window. fully guaranteed, they will even replace the front ones free of charge if the police make you remove them
i was going to take mine to the place dave said, altho i'm worried its going to cost a bomb as my car technically has 9 windows to tint, the rear door has 2 sheets of glass in it so not sure if i have to pay for those or if it will be included with the door...
bulldog5046 said:
i was going to take mine to the place dave said, altho i'm worried its going to cost a bomb as my car technically has 9 windows to tint, the rear door has 2 sheets of glass in it so not sure if i have to pay for those or if it will be included with the door...

Ask them Ryan :)
And if you flash those new found hooters at them Ryan you may get it cheaper :p :D
dave said:
you got ripped off mate. i know a place in essex does it for £25 a window. fully guaranteed, they will even replace the front ones free of charge if the police make you remove them

well i was getting worse qoutes in the NW. Perhaps they think we are all rich
i agree with ya applesei it does really depend where ya go and what kind of film they use i got mine done for £155 including sunstrip and i got johnson film put on my windows which is far betta to some of the other kinds of films personaly id rather pay that wee bit extra knowing im getting really good quality tinting film on my windows in glasgow theres still places that do tinting for £200 one of them is one of the biggest companies pentagon tints so again it really does matter where ya go
dave said:
you got ripped off mate. i know a place in essex does it for £25 a window. fully guaranteed, they will even replace the front ones free of charge if the police make you remove them

Now where have I heared the " Oh and we will take them off if you get pulled " line before ARRR yes it was one of our Stilo members and did they take them off when he got pulled NO (n)