General who was it looking for a cabriolet punto

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General who was it looking for a cabriolet punto

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I have two puntos as I have said here is my other one

but before you go shouting abuse at me for wrecking a standard punto , realise this I have one for the winter and one for the summer (if there is ever a summer to be had lol)

Anyway I have the best of both worlds
I bought that one already like that apart from a few little things I have done this week . I am selling (well trying to sell) my other one because I like that one and I want a GT
"Don't matter what you drive you are going to get some people who like some who don't, theres always going to be arguing about it as long as its done in a friendly way"

True i agree.

im not gunna start that again it was once on the motor way get over it are u a saint?
and yes im not one to hold a grudge but improbably bit bitter. im off to work coz i need the money hope you guys finsish this on a good note

live by the sword die by the sword live by the pen and die bored.
I nearly forgot about this statement

Well firstly you haven't seen my CV so how can you say such a thing, you don't know my past and nor do you know where I am hopefully heading, a few on here do, so that's ok, they can think to themselves "he knows nothing". I think you also confused yourself, I didn't send you an email so I can't be petty for sending silly emails. I am glad however that I have inspired your life with the statement of the year in your eyes, excellent. Obviously being a few years older than me and having a honours degree and PhD I should look up to you. I don't understand why you feel that being a student I get looked down on in true reality, I don't....maybe they just looked down on you?

An honours degree and all the certificates in the world dont make you a smart person .

A doctor once said to me , I am sick of my job I spent most of my life studying and slogging my guts out to sit here all day and listen to peoples problems which I just give out the basic written information day in day out , I get 5 weeks holiday a year where everyone bugs me with medical questions of what they are feeling when all I want to do is soak up the sun , and my family dont even get to see me and if I make the tiniest of mistakes im struck off and belittled and I will end up committing suicide .

And yet the homemaker (unemployed layabout) gets some real life with his kids and has no worries about life or exams or beaches or questions and everyone loves him especially his kids who he has 24/7 of time for

Its not who you are or what you do its how you do it !
found it and had a good laugh at the comments .

But seriously do you think anyone could actually take someone seriously with a name like Barry ?

Now that is a girls name
Stevirobbo why do you own two Punto's, are about to buy another, have spend money on that distasteful thing on ebay, proclaim to love Punto's and then post:

"taht your silly little puntos are not cars"

I would also like to point out that your auction text on ebay contradicts itself and that I got quite a laugh seeing your car (which I would describe as being styled by Jackson Pollock on acid)
sandwiched between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari 360 on that website you probably own.

BTW, it's spelt 'that'
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