General Who hates me

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General Who hates me

Dec 31, 2008
Found my n/s wing mirror glass smashed to bits today.

Last week found a ding on my n/s/r door, i now have a ding on every door, i really must get these door protection mouldings.
Mines black and these dings/scratches really stand out when its clean.

Got my bonnet done last month from a egg!! that someone threw from a tower block.

London is the worst place to have a new car :mad:

BTW took it to fiat for this knocking over bumps they greased up the suspension and everthing seems better now, same with the steering wheel creek from lock to lock... must have been the icy whether.
Oh and they said i need front pads 85% worn:(
I,m sure that no one hates you, it,s just one of the joys of owning a nice car, whenever I have changed my car for a newer car I spend the first few months being very selective to where I park it, putting it away safe in the garage, cleaning it ect, trouble is there are a lot of people out there who dont give a **** about other peoples property,

You park your car in the furthest secluded spot in B+q and still some idiot parks next to you as close as they can swing there door open, and "ding" there,s your first dent,

And then there,s the jelouse ones, I cant have a nice car so why should you?...Just this week I saw a woman put her cardboard box with shopping in it (and nice sharp staples on the underneath of the box) on the bonnet of my car while she oppened the tailgate of her own car. grrrrr!

Many years ago I had a very reliable Fiat 126 it was a heap, riddled with rust, dents in every panel, but I loved it, did,nt give a dam where I parked it, never locked it, did,nt care if anyone opened there doors against it, seems to me you can have a nice car and worry...or a shyte car and not worry!!