General what do you unos start like??

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General what do you unos start like??

Nov 26, 2004
southend on sea, essex
well just started my car on a very cold night, not been started in ages (must be several months?), and was very impressed that it started first time on the turn of the key leaning in from the passenger side :D lol.

got me thinking, how does your car start? first turn on key? any revving needed like some old cars? even my sisters punto sometimes doesnt start until 2nd/3rd time lol :D

it seems my unos running very smoothly, especially seeing as it has no airbox lol, hmmm, probably shouldnt start it without them hoses connected lol :eek:
I think, without an airbox, the engine would not start/idle quite as smoothly as it would with an airbox... ? Would be a bit lean...

My Uno Turbo starts very well cold, and pretty well hot, though not always instant, takes a second or so of cranking, possibly because the idle speed is a bit low. I find that with the engine running, the revs will 'stumble' on returning to idle (e.g. slowing down, foot on clutch, revs dip to 400RPM then recover to 900RPM). I think this also affects the starting. I suspect it might be a throttle-plate-setting issue.

Probably best then to follow the handbook instructions for carburettor Unos, which are to 'depress accelerator pedal slightly'. Never hurts!

I used to have an Uno 60 once upon a time (2000-2001) which was not so keen on restarting with the engine hot. I think the main cause was a broken heat shield (bakelight board under the Solex carburettor) causing the exhaust heat to reach the carburettor after engine-switch off. Petrol would burp out of the carburettor every ten seconds and into the engine (you could hear it if you listened carefully). This flooded the engine and I had to start it with the accelerator held fully-down (standard flood-clearing technique). I suspect that a slight lowering of the carb float level may have helped avoid the problem.

Mine starts even better in the cold than any other time - the only occasion its been slightly unhappy, is in the damp.

My mk2 1.0 starts a treat, hot or cold, with minimal turning over. (y)

Although I did have some trouble with it when I left it standing in Belfast for 4 weeks over Christmas, with muchos cold weather, and tried to start it on a day when ice covered the car, inside and out(!).... ended up taking some severe pumping of the accelerator followed by ignition turning & further pumping.... repeating continuously over the next 20 minutes or so!! :(

Personally though I suspect the petrol that I filled up with from a dodgy garage towards Larne before Christmas... :chin:
when i had my last 70sx, i was away in india for six months, left it parked outside the house, told the family to start her at least once a week. of course on my return it was "well when we tried it wouldn't start so we left it" went outside, all levels were ok, second try fired right up, took her for a drive for about 30 mins, pumped the tyres a bit, job done.

the tub never failed to fired first time, she'd wait till i was miles from home, or in the middle of a major junction to throw a hissy fit......
Mine is a good starter, starts first time every time even after leaving it sitting for ages. I haven't left it standing for extremely long periods of time before (I think the longest was about 2 months) but it started up fine after that, and that was over the winter aswell.