General werid noise and Weird Smell

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General werid noise and Weird Smell


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I own a punto mk2 (2003)

Ive been recently getting weird noise when i steer left or right..

today it started making the noise contantly..even when driving straight,
when i got home there was a smell of burnt tyre?

Can anyone help me and let me know what it could be?

Its the sweet noises of owning a Punto!:p

The noise when steering is probably just the power steering kicking in - to fix just turn up your music!
The smell of burnt tyre probably could be the tyres or engine, mine sometimes smells like that after a long journey where the engine has been hot or has been revved a little

Hope this helps,

Hi mate and WELCOME TO THE FORUM!! :wave:

Do you have standard wheels or aftermarket ones?

Secondly, have you checked for any signs of the wheels rubbing in the arches, or if any of the plastic arch liners have come loose and are rubbing against the wheel.

The fact it was initially only when you turned left or right, but is now constant, would suggest that there is defenately something rubbing and its getting worse.

Have a good look around all the wheels from both sides, also turn the steering wheel from lock to lock and again check to see if you can see any places where the wheels are Rubbing. If its enough to make noise and smell like burning, it should be fairly obvious.

Hope that helps,