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While this has novelty value and doesnt bother me personally one way or the other, when I showed my son, the first thing he said was, 'Are there cameras in other areas that you can look at?'

I think this is what Volxstu is getting at, I have a camera at the end of my road and one almost opposite my house and I wouldnt like to think that people could go online, find that camera and watch my house / my street / my kids / my car coming and going etc. Whilst that camera in Abbey Road is there to entertain, there are houses in the foreground and locals who drive past that spot at certain times and they could be monitored by people up to no good.

The implications to that are endless. It would bother me if it was in my street.
I think the crossing should be removed or changed for a pelican crossing to stop the muppets running back and forth, I've watched a for a few minutes and it's shocking how many people confuse motorists by standing at the edge with no intention of actually crossing, or some that do cross just seem to step out.
While this has novelty value and doesnt bother me personally one way or the other, when I showed my son, the first thing he said was, 'Are there cameras in other areas that you can look at?'

I think this is what Volxstu is getting at, I have a camera at the end of my road and one almost opposite my house and I wouldnt like to think that people could go online, find that camera and watch my house / my street / my kids / my car coming and going etc. Whilst that camera in Abbey Road is there to entertain, there are houses in the foreground and locals who drive past that spot at certain times and they could be monitored by people up to no good.

The implications to that are endless. It would bother me if it was in my street.

but this camera will be on a private building
as opposed to council run cameras
first time i remembered to click it in day time an got 1 bloke doing it, though he was on his own being sado, but then see his girlfriend, she was getting wet taking photos whilst he was waiting under umbrella

also see cyclists not stopping to let people cross
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LOL, some just posed on the crossing, much to the frustration of a white van driver!!

But I don't get what all the fuss is about really?

We're all filmed daily, no matter where you go. We don't actually have a choice in the matter anyway. Well, perhaps if you stay in your own home all day, you might not be recorded. Hmm, 'cept perhaps by that XXmm zoom lens of that spy satellite over your head! ;) Or Googles cameras. Ahem.

If you are in a public space, or even a private space, like a supermarket, we all know we are being recorded.

If the concern is tracking, well, we're all tracked everyday electronically, by computers, mobiles, airport logs, credit card transactions and so forth. Although these are not available to the wider public (mostly, hackers taken note of), everyones daily matters are tracked. Even car number plates are tracked. They know where you are! ;)

Why should that only be a BAD thing?

For starters it can track criminals and other unmentionable people. Even webcams can sometimes get lucky catching those people, which helps. Spotting criminals cars or the criminals.

Secondly, if you've ever needed to call on the Police over a missing persons report, they can try to trace people. Which again, is a positive matter.

I think the positive points cameras bring to society are far more important than say, some bloke who took a whizz on a street corner over a webcam.

Cameras are not going to go away, no matter how much you fear them. If you're worried you might be caught on a camera, well... could always put a paperbag over your head or something? :D

On reflection, I think the real matter here is society today has become something of a voyeur on all matters. Which is a slightly worrying trend.

I mean, has anyone actually noticed how many web services have popped up for live webcam streaming? I don't specifically mean the porny stuff either! But many people seem to stream their life online. I remember one person who had a cam in his truck, streaming him driving all day down the motorways. Who on earth watched that one?

Perhaps this is a sideline issue, as the people involved have "chosen" to broadcast themselves.
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