Off Topic Watching a blonde cost me a mirror!

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Off Topic Watching a blonde cost me a mirror!


New member
Jan 16, 2009
In an underground carpark yesterday, reversing out of a space, no cars either side of me, I'm looking over my left shoulder to see if anything is coming, I spot a nice blonde in the far corner of the carpark :nono: and CRASHBANG!!! My mirror explodes and parts company from the door, I put a small dent in the drivers wheel arch and the bar between the handle and mirror is snapped as well as the plastic ball and socket affair being royaly bust! Damn concrete upright posts! I manage to rig it all back together minus the glass mirror, price some up on ebay, check a few scrappies today, no luck so it looked like a trip to Skelmersdale to buy one off an ebay shop/breaker (big salvage recycling company), they list one for £21 and free postage.:shakehead: I price up a glass in Hellfrauds (even though they had none in) and they're around £10, I call my very local motor factor, £8 for a glass and £21 for a complete new unit, so I order one and tomorrow I'll be handing over twenty notes and a pound coin. The last time I hit a post in there I put an almighty dent in my Mk1 Fiesta passenger door.:doh:
haha i know exactly that feeling pmsl, but mine was a gorgeous brunette,bright blue eyes with a little skirt, long legs and a Labrador puppy lol, following a lorry through a small village, just before i went over a narrow bridge, well the lorry stopped, i was staring at this beautiful woman and her dog, i looked ahead, lorry stopped, my pants turned brown, but luckily i stopped about a foot away lol, she obviously heard the screech from my tires,she looked over and giggled :D, i smiled, shrugged my shoulders and carried on home lol
