General tire size for 1.2 GP

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General tire size for 1.2 GP

santa cruz

New member
Jul 11, 2013
i`m looking to change my 06 1.2 PETROL GP tires
it comes with 175/65/15 but on registration document says it can use also 185/65/15
like to buy the 185 but the car is already so underpowered!!

do you think there are anny gains on buying the larger ones or just more fuel consuption and even more lazy?

sorry for my bad english
I don't think it will make a massive difference to your acceleration ect as the difference in size isn't that great. It will make your speedo read different ever so slightly though, Click here for a website that will help you calculate the differences.

Without going into monster truck tyres or trolley sized wheels you can run what you'd like, providing it fits on your rim/alloy. Sticking to factory specification is always preferable though.