Technical Stupid bloody alarm.

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Technical Stupid bloody alarm.


New member
Jul 24, 2005
Over the last 2 weeks my alarm has decided to be a pain in the butt.
This has involved going off at random and setting itself whenever it wants. I can be sat in it with the door open and 'beeeep', on it goes. Or today's nice trick was to wake me up at 7am after coming off a late shift and only getting in bed at 3am.

I have disconnected the internal sensor and checked all the door contacts are good. I don't know what to try next other than ripping the stupid noise maker thing out.
I'll have to check that tomorrow. I'm in work until midnight so it can go off all night there and I'll never know.
Caught it. It does 6 flashes after I turn it off.
And its 6 slow flashes just like counting one, two, three, four, five, six. Rather than onetwothrfofisix which would fast flashes.
And yes; I'm not too good at analogies.
I used to have this problem, because the striker plate on the bonnet doesn't quite press the switch far enough in. I made a chunky rubber condom from an old exhaust rubber, to sit over the plunger on the switch. This gave it extra height and cured the problem.
The only problem was that when the bonnet is opened there is a risk that the rubber sticks to bonnet and pulls off - this doesn't seem to happen any more.
Sorry to hijack the thread a little - but it is related... Out of interest, where would you (or more accurately) where should you find these sensors.

I have been working on our multipla recently to get it into better working order and I think I must have plugged something in that is now making the horn sound constantly (i am thinking its alarm related as its never worked before) - new relay now makes the petrol gauge work, but now my horn sounds constantly!