Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Abarth
Where do we start. It's flabby round the sides, looks like the olde shoppe butter maker has been at the panels and dreams of being a mini people carrier. The 306 was one of the best looking 3-door mid-hatches ever (esp the convertible) and ranked up there with the MK2 Golf and the Bravo (1st). Now peugeot have caved and pandered to the "New family" brigade and made the thing look like a crushed people carrier.
Lo and behold, Fiat follow suit, let the olde shoppe woman at it, put horrendous light clusters on the back and have the cheek to call it the "Style"!! I just call that lazy.
I mean for Gods sake, it was designed by a German (and don't it show)!
As for looking like a 307 I meant in terms of styling philosophy not literal mindedness. Flattened panels, squared off jaw, not one single genteel curvature and absolutely no character (It's the Germans again!).
Vorsprung Durch Fu**ed-it! Not nice.
I'd also point out that most people seem to agree (although that's no real indicator as the Bravo wasn't the best selling car in the country) as pitiful sales figures for the Stilo are sinking the company. This could ultimately lead to the marque (and the likes of Lancia and Ferrari) falling into the hands of the Americans (SPIT!) who will dump V8's into everything, put sponges into the suspension, only build the things 10ft wide and 30ft long and ensure the mpg is at best 2 miles to the gallon.
Do you want that!? Well, do you!