Technical Steering/Suspension fault

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Technical Steering/Suspension fault

May 10, 2010
The boy's 2012 Pop has developed steering issue.

Nearside front tyres outer edge has worn out and there's a knock and slight bit of play in the steering when you rock it.
The offside tyre isn't as bad, but it looks like it might be on a similar path.

It had 4 new tyres and the tracking checked for it's last MOT back it September and the boys says it's been driving well until recently, when the steering went a bit tuggy to one side.

I've had a bit of a quick poke around and can't feel anything in the track rod ends, inner tie rods or bottom ball joints, but you can feel the knock in the road wheel.

It drives smooth enough on a good road, but there's a little knocky/rumbly noise and slight loose feeling under the front when I drive it over some brick paving.

There's something loose/slack under there and I can't quite pinpoint it.
When I took my car for it's first mot in march the mot tester I go to is a Fiat Alfa & Lancia specialist and he told us that on the early versions of the 319 panda's suffered from the front suspension arms breaking as they were quite weak and also the bushes in the rear dampers, but he said on my car being a 2018 model Fiat have updated the suspension on the newer cars by adding strenghtened front suspension arms & better rear damper bushes. Hope this helps :)
The boy's 2012 Pop has developed steering issue.

Nearside front tyres outer edge has worn out and there's a knock and slight bit of play in the steering when you rock it.
The offside tyre isn't as bad, but it looks like it might be on a similar path.

It had 4 new tyres and the tracking checked for it's last MOT back it September and the boys says it's been driving well until recently, when the steering went a bit tuggy to one side.

I've had a bit of a quick poke around and can't feel anything in the track rod ends, inner tie rods or bottom ball joints, but you can feel the knock in the road wheel.

It drives smooth enough on a good road, but there's a little knocky/rumbly noise and slight loose feeling under the front when I drive it over some brick paving.

There's something loose/slack under there and I can't quite pinpoint it.

I'd take a more serious look at the lower suspension ball joint (lever between suspension arm and hub casting - any movement is a no-no). Alternatively has it fallen in a pothole of late or had a bit of an encounter with a kerb?

If you can feel a rumble then wheel bearing - does it get worse when you steer in one or other direction and more load gets transferred to the offending side?

Just suggestions.
Thanks, I've not had a good look yet, dinner was ready!

I had him swing on the steering while I grabbed the TRE, inner tie rod and bottom ball joint, couldn't feel anything there but it did feel like the wheel rocked a bit, which may point to wheel bearing or the wishbone bush.

He could have hit anything, the local roads are awash with speed humps and pot holes.

The steering on this has always been a bit funny, it's never felt totally right.
Not loose and wayward or anything like that, just a bit rough, like something wasn't bushed right.
It's hard to explain but a bit like all the steering parts were hard bolted to the body sort of rough or Fiat omitted a load of sound deadening somewhere.

Our old Lounge (mother in law has now) drives far smoother on the steering.

I've been through everything at least twice if not three times in the past and had it driving sweet last September (last time I drove it myself), looks like I have the pleasure again!
Have you looked at the bush on the rearmost end of the front lower arm? On my 2013 Panda, the rubber 'doughnut' between the arm and the metal bush broke away from the arm, resulting in the arm itself resting on the subframe and causing issues that sound very similar to yours. The solution was a new lower arm... the bush at the bottom of this photo:
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Thanks all,

I did think the D bushes on the ARB might have been on their way out for a while.
I did swap out the droplinks last year and it shut most of the noise up.
In fact, the new droplinks, new tyres, tracking and replacing it's dodgy under powered battery before it's last MOT in Sept had the car driving and steering pretty sweet.

I have been thinking about the wishbone bushes, been considering if a fubar rear wishbone bush would toe the wheel in enough to mangle tyres outer edge so much?
I didn't really look for it when I gave it the eye the other day, the knock and slight movement did feel like it was isolated from the steering/suspension and came from the wheel/hub as if it was wheel bearing.

I guess the only way to find out is start digging around, as least I got the weather for it, if not the time.

We also think it's time he upgrades, he's traveling further a field these days and the Pop is pretty limited for comfort and convenience.
He took a couple of mates down to the coast for a long weekend the other week, I felt sorry for them jammed in there with no air con.
As they pulled away I thought four pairs of legs will appear through the floor, they'll pick the car up and run down the road with it!