General Steering Offset

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General Steering Offset


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I recently drove over a pot hole in the road.
Since then, my steering wheel has been offset, by that I mean that when driving straight, the wheel points to the left.
I asked at the Dealers and they said it was down to my new tyres and that if I swapped the fronts round it would cure it. It did'nt.
I have the 18 inch wheels and know that the rack has to be shimmed to accommodate them, could it have fallen out?
There is no other fault, if I take my hands off the wheel the car goes straight and does not veer at all. The same under braking.
It is just annoying that the steering wheel is not pointing straight ahead now.

Any ideas would be welcome.

The easiest cure would be to take the steering wheel off and put it on straight, but I am not sure the offset is a full notch on the spline.
I have the same problem with mine. I've got the Active so only got the 16" steels though. The garage re-did the tracking on mine which almost cured this, it was offset to the right, but is now offset to the left. I need to get top a proper garage, i.e. not Evan's Halshaw!:bang: My initial thoughts would be a tracking problem, so get that checked first.

Good luck(y)