Technical smoke coming from front halfway down of engine bravo w reg 1.2. any help

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Technical smoke coming from front halfway down of engine bravo w reg 1.2. any help


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Dec 18, 2009
smoke coming from front halfway down of engine bravo w reg 1.2. any help

hi to everyone this is my 1st post and any help will do thanks

is the problem im having possibliy my cylinder head gasket.

also looks like water on bottom half of engine and pipes...there seems to be smoke (i can smell it) coming into car. eviendence of moisture at base of cylinder head, in front of no.1 cylinder.

Also at tick over engine making a ticky high pitched noise!

any ideas at what it could be? thanks

Well I am guessing it is not on fire otherwise it would be a cinder by now, so there are only two other options really.

Water or oil leaking! what you really need to do is find out from where, as there could be many reasons why you have this form a pin hole in a water pipe to a crack in the engine or a blanking plug blown, oil could be the same crack in engine block to a blown rocker cover gasket, which runs oil down the engine onto exhaust, result smoke - rather pungent smelling mind you!
So you really need to investigate where this is coming from, you could be worying about the head gasket when it could be as simple as a heater pipe leaking onto your exhaust, this will also smell due to anti freeze.
1.2 also has the oil breather on the back of the engine at the right hand side rear as you look at it.
At a guess I would check your oil level as the ticking sound you hear from the top of the engine could well be your tappits as they are hydraulic so perhaps you are low on oil now, which could explain the smoke and smell as well - oil leak possibly!