General Sills

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General Sills

Unless yours are physically mangled, because the body was galvanised and usually (especial for a FIAT) is fairly rust free, if yours are that bad, I wonder what other areas of the car are also rotten ?

Yeah, it's rust at both ends of both sills plus one very small hole in the central part of each sill. In addition, the inner rear wheel arch both sides is holed where it meets the back of the sills, enough for me to be able to poke the fingers of one hand through. Also each side holed inner rear arches just in front of the bumper line. Other than that (!), underside body looks pretty good, although top side all four arches will need something sooner than later. Sills could prob be patched up, but wanted to get an idea of the cost of new sills, but couldn't find any at all for the three door on the internet. Found a supplier for 5 door items, but not 3 door. Cheers.
Sounds a bit terminal :(.

Problem is that unless there's something very special about yours whereby you want to throw money at it, you're looking at a lot of cost to keep it nice.

Consequently a solution could be to just patch it up so it's solid but not pretty, and keep it til something else goes wrong that makes it untenable. Alternatively cut your losses now as body repair is expensive, and if its got as bad as this by now, its only going to get worse :(.
I've seen a few Stilos with rust on the sill, usually under the A-pillar..

The front wing has a silt trap on top of the sill. The front scuttle drains down the inside of the wheel arch (behind the arch liner) and that carries grit and dirt into the top of the sill. If you remove the arch liner, you'll be able to dig out a yoghurt pot amount of mud from above the sill.

If you can't find new panels... you may have to ring round the breakers who have a 3-door and get them to cut the old sils off a wrecked one.

Ralf S.
Nothing special about this wee motor really, bog standard 1.4 Active. But had her since new and all the baggage that goes with that, I suppose. Think would only be terminal on cost grounds as you say, tbh apart from the bits mentioned the under and top sides seem to be pretty free from rust.
I've got the sills cleaned back to bare metal so that the full extent of what's required is clearly seen and will go and see a welder and see what he says in practical and cost terms, but have my mind pretty much set that I'll get her repaired either patching if a decent and durable job can be done or replacement panels if I or the welder guy can get them. The option of cutting sections from a scrapper (prob be ok from a more recent car and from a less salty environment than the w of Scotland) as Ralf suggests also sounds a good option- genuine Fiat parts so might actually be better than pattern items?
Cheers guys.?
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Think would only be terminal on cost grounds as you say, tbh .... the under and top sides seem to be pretty free from rust. I've got the sills cleaned back to bare metal ... have my mind pretty much set that I'll get her repaired either patching if a decent and durable job can be done ... ?

Then why not have a go at welding it yourself ?. A basic MIG setup isn't expensive or hard to use, Get yer hands on an old Bonnet or Boot Lid and a pair of Tinsnips and you can patch away to your hearts content. A few years back I kept a Maestro and then a Montego going long after their sell buy dates by patching at the MOT time. Okay some of it wasn't pretty :D but it held together and passed the test.

Food for thought.

You're baiting me. I've toyed with trying Mig welding a few times, but never got round to it, my Dad used to do a lot of oxy-acetylene welding years ago and helped him out from time to time (usually as a sort of human clamp, and usually when he was fixing up my old basket cases). Maybe one day, but think I'll get someone else to to it this time round......?
Me and my Brother have used this company in the past for panels. Including sills for various cars.

They haven't got the Stilo listed on there website, but it could be still worth a try as they will also post via courier. Assuming that they are still open with the current situation.

There also these listed on ebay via Poland.

Although they are more tailored for the 5dr at the rear and are likely just cover sills. But they could still provide most of the right profile for the front sections, if you could get them patched.

Only other thing you could perhaps try is a Blacksmiths if there one local, maybe they could fabricate some repair panels?
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Me and my Brother have used this company in the past for panels. Including sills for various cars.

They haven't got the Stilo listed on there website, but it could be still worth a try as they will also post via courier. Assuming that they are still open with the current situation.

There also these listed on ebay via Poland.

Although they are more tailored for the 5dr at the rear and are likely just cover sills. But they could still provide most of the right profile for the front sections, if you could get them patched.

Only other thing you could perhaps try is a Blacksmiths if there one local, maybe they could fabricate some repair panels?
Thanks Buddy, I've emailed the Carz2 company, wait and see what they say. I did see the polish items on Ebay, but was hoping that I could identify a supplier of the complete 3dr item, which would make things much simpler.
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Thanks Buddy, I've emailed the Carz2 company, wait and see what they say. I did see the polish items on Ebay, but was hoping that I could identify a supplier of the complete 3dr item, which would make things much simpler.

No problem, hope they can help you out. :)

If they can't, then as suggested by Ralf S. Maybe look around for a scrap / breakers yard, that could cut the sills off a scrap 3dr car.