Hi I`ve never come across this prob before, but can someone explain how you get you Mk1 Punto key blessed so you can get it recognized by the cars black Ign box, as my red key & the original blue one work the magic box, but because my blue one`s fell off my fob I`d like the new one I purchased to work with my other keys & black box, as all it does is just turn the engine over without starting & the orange light of death just keeps shining, so I want to start to use it as I`m fed up glueing the old one together with old wire & insulating tape & I`ll be fcuked if I lose it ............. any ideas.
then swich on first blue key untill code light goes out
then swich on second blue key untill code light goes out
then swich on red key again until code light goes out
then wait beetween 4 and 9 seconds
then turn on red key again, if code light stays on they're programed, if code light goes off swich off and back on again, repeat until code light stays on then wait 15 seconds and try the blue keys they should be programmed
There must be a minimum of 2 blue keys maximum of 8 in order for you to program them.