Technical Punto gt2 electrics

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Technical Punto gt2 electrics


New member
Jul 1, 2014
Hello, I have a Punto GT pretty sure its the GT2? its 1997? But anyway I was driving along after picking my brother up from work only doing around 15mph as I had started to slow down for a speed bump and the car cut out, so I went to start it back up but I noticed there was no lights on the instrument panel, I need to fix this asap as it is a daily and I have no means of transport. I've had a few problems with it before but it hasn't happened in a good few months so i haven't really thought anything of it, it over boosts the ignition will cut and you can watch the revs drop then it will just carry on boosting as it normally does (running 17psi probably isn't the best idea) Can someone help me out on what it could be please? Also I've checked the ignition switch plugs and one of the wires looked like it had burnt out so I cut it and used a connector straight to the back of the switch but nothing still. Please help.
nothing on instrument panel i would look at fuses first myself... Once you got the instruments to light up do a blink test and see if it returns any codes. Go from there

17psi is not a huge amount but whats the engine spec? whats controlling boost, it should run a steady boost level no matter whats controlling it.
nothing on instrument panel i would look at fuses first myself... Once you got the instruments to light up do a blink test and see if it returns any codes. Go from there

17psi is not a huge amount but whats the engine spec? whats controlling boost, it should run a steady boost level no matter whats controlling it.
Hello mate, only just seen the reply, there's no boost controller or anything on it I've sorted the problem out now, it's pretty much all standard it's got a full exhaust system
And decat, also a blow off valve.
ah well thats good news, what was the problem in end??

And for your info, there is a pierburg valve that controls boost if its stock - its not just got a vac line from one side of the turbo to the wastegate ;) Its located on the bulkhead under that funny plastic square cover. People take them off and replace them with bleed valves quite often - 17psi is slightly higher than stock, which normally levels out at 0.8bar iirc (11psi) so this is probably worth a little investigation on your part. If the pierburg is setting the boost at that level its not working properly basically.

Here is a few pics to help you ;)


  • Pierburgvalve.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 40
  • GTEngineBay_Pierburg_small.JPG
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