Technical Punto 1.2 16v engine sound

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Technical Punto 1.2 16v engine sound


New member
Feb 2, 2013
HELLO guys,

I am having a punto 1.2 16 v 2002 model car which runs almost 1,70,000 kilometres actually i bought this car as second hand.

Car of the engine make huge noise and vibraion (not heavy) inside the car. As a reference please go through below link
Since that fan is screaming it means your aircon is on

When you turn the A/c off - does the noise stop?
As this will kinda indicate whats going on

If the noise stops with AC off, the clutch pulley/bearing has started to fail

if it stays the same - i'd assume its a bearing somewhere

and yes - its a little stupid putting your finger near a spinning belt

sounds ok to me

but my god, why put your fingers near a belt running at that speed, thats just idiotic

I am feeling vibration inside the car what could be the reason.. yEah i AM so Crazy ON that Time
Since that fan is screaming it means your aircon is on

When you turn the A/c off - does the noise stop?
As this will kinda indicate whats going on

If the noise stops with AC off, the clutch pulley/bearing has started to fail

if it stays the same - i'd assume its a bearing somewhere

and yes - its a little stupid putting your finger near a spinning belt


I did not use A/C on that time. Engine is normally making that noise once its started is bearing died ?