Protecting no claims discount? worth it?

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Protecting no claims discount? worth it?

I don't know what insurers some of you are with but when my Punto was written off by someone else and all the blame was put onto them, the CO-OP Insurance I am with have put on my latest policy statement, 'NO CLAIMS BONUS 6 YEARS' Underneath is the detail of the accident and its date with a reference that is was the other party's fault. My insurance, fully comp with all the trimmings excluding legal protection and breakdown is £226.42. Thats on a 1.9jtd. Suggest some of you move to decent insurance companies and not just the cheapest!
Suggest some of you move to decent insurance companies and not just the cheapest!

Thank you :worship:

Dcthebear has hit the nail on the head, ChrisUK insurance companies don't all charge the same for things, cancellation with budget for example £75!, elsewhere only £35-£40.

The mistake people make is going for the cheapest premium - hell I've been there and done it, budget was the last time though, they'd have been great if I didn't need to cancel the policy mid term, but because I needed to I go stung. I aggreed to the T&C so although I wasn't happy with it, and agree that it can't be justified it just tough.

A lot give insurance companies a bad name, normally due to bad experiences, yes there are some crap companies out there, but a lot of the time these bad experiences are due to the customer beleiving they have cover for something they don't, or not reading the contract before agreeing and only when it comes to needing to do something and then not being happy with a cancellation / admin charge. This is hardly the fault of the insurance provider, ultimatly they've told you how it will be from day 1!