General PPC Mag

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General PPC Mag


nice and hot!
Jan 24, 2009
saff east london
i thought i give PPC mag an email regarding my cinq and what can be done to the good old cinquecento / seicento, plus i mentioned how good the fiat forum site was as well. Tell the truth i didn't expect it to be in the mag so i was quite surprised when Chaos mentioned it last night on the forum, anyway it's only a small write up but my main reason was to highlight what could be done to these cars as they are often overlooked. i told them if they ever want to do a feature on the different engines people have done on cinq and sei or anything related to them let me or the forum know. So who knows one day they may do it, lets just wait and see. hmm i might have to email them again ;)

i agree, but sometimes they do groups stuff, i.e rolling road, 1/4 strip to see how powerful certain engines are in one particular car. So they may look at a selection of cinqs and sei... 1108 8v, 1242 8v, 1108 turbo etc.. i know they did a group thing with mini turbos so who know?
