Photoshop - Need Help :(!!

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Photoshop - Need Help :(!!


Fiat Stilo 1.4
Oct 18, 2009
West Midlands
Can someone photoshop for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee ???

Hi all, having big problems trying to photoshop some wheels onto my car to see how they look. Im a complete photoshop biff and have no idea how to use it lol !

Could someone please please please photoshop these alloys (17" TSW) onto my 1.4 Stilo

Much Appreciated, Greg :D.


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Try telling that to a Product development team who havnt a clue how to buy design. Thats the biggest problem these days. Everybody is PLC so they employ as few people to do as many jobs as possible who are under pressure to do things as cheap as possible. :bang:
Try telling that to a Product development team who havnt a clue how to buy design. Thats the biggest problem these days. Everybody is PLC so they employ as few people to do as many jobs as possible who are under pressure to do things as cheap as possible. :bang:

I hear you....It's all about speed and cost nowadays....You pay peanuts, you get monkeys....Trouble is, the standards are now so low that it's nearly ALL monkeys....

Dont i know it. I love the place i work and the people i work with but i just cant be working for an Agency for too much longer. Having to rush is a massive added pressure, so much so that i really CBA to do anything useful outside of work because im so stressed.
Its like they will give us a complicated job that takes a long time to do. Now the company i work for has had a relationship with the client for decades. Can they accept that a job takes me the amount of time that i bill them for. Can they ****. Normally we drop a few hours anyway because we know they wont like paying. They then phone up and ask my boss to justify the Invoice they have been sent.
So not only have we already lost out on time for this job but my boss has to spend half a day (thats a big wedge lost at £75 p/h) going through the whole thing just to unfairly drop the price anyway.
This is all because the people buying Design dont have a clue what they are buying :bang: